linguistics final

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Frage English Antworten English
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is a scientific study of language, the study of set of rules
why linguistics is descriptive
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cause it disregards any variatons in language
main branches
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morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, applied linguistics
applied linguistics
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is the branch of linguistics concerned with practical applications of language studies
diachronic linguistics
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the study of language change over different time periods
synchronic linguistics
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describing a language the way it is, without thinkin about how it got there historically
what know a language is
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is a matter of knowing the system of rules and principles that is the grammar for that
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A gesture or action used to convey info or an instruction
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A symbolic system used for communication
features of human language
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arbitrariness, creativity displacement, reflexivity, duality of patterning
A linguistic sign
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is a symbolic gesture according to saussure
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is the study of words
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is a meaningful unit of a language that cannot be further divided
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is a subfield of linguistics that studies sentence structure
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is the set of rules a language follows to convey meaning
deep structure
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it provides the semantic component of sentence
surface structure
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it communicates the proper phonological information to express that thought
mental lexicon
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the arrangement of words in one's mind, reflects knowledge of language
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is the branch of linguistics that deals with studying meaning in language
main types of meaning
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containers, relationship with other words, roles the fulfill
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is the study of how context influences how we interpret and make meaning of communication
speech acts
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is an action performed by a speaker with an utterances
Maxims of Quantity
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(say enough, but not too much)
Maxims of Relevance
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(be relevant)
Maxims of Manner
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(be orderly)
Maxims of Quality
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(say what you believe to be true)
what function arcuate fasciculus have
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Connects Broca's and Wernicke's area
corpus callosum
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the hemispheres are connected by bundle of nerve fibers
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is an impairment of language function because of localized brain damage
brocas area
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lack of syntax, agrammatic speech
wernickes aphasia
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dont understand language in its written or spoken form
conduction aphasia
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brocas and wernickes are impaired

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