Something that is like ... runs easily, automatically, and always in the same way: Lernen beginnen
The Cardinals have been winning like clockwork for most of the season.
a woman who is not married, especially a woman who is no longer young and seems unlikely ever to marry Lernen beginnen
(of characteristics or diseases) passed from the genes of a parent to a child, or (of titles and positions in society) passed from parent to a child as a right: Lernen beginnen
Depression is often hereditary.
something that makes you suffer: Lernen beginnen
Malnutrition is one of the common afflictions of the poor
Lernen beginnen
The children all look very alike.
to do harm to or punish the person responsible for something bad done to you or your family or friends in order to achieve a fair situation: Lernen beginnen
He swore he would avenge his brother's death.
to help or support someone during a difficult period in their life: Lernen beginnen
He was a prisoner of war for five years, but his courage saw him through.
to walk somewhere quickly with long steps: Lernen beginnen
strode | stridden She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.
an area of grassy land that is open for everyone to use, usually near the center of a town or city: Lernen beginnen
The Boston Common is the oldest park in the US.
to experience great difficulties or be completely unable to decide what to do or say next: Lernen beginnen
He lost the next page of his speech and floundered around/about for a few seconds.
happy, confident, and enthusiastic: Lernen beginnen
He had the breezy manner of a salesman.
to move in a way that is not regular or normal, especially making sudden movements backwards or forwards or from side to side: Lernen beginnen
The train lurched forward and some of the people standing fell over.
to lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop: Lernen beginnen
The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.
the use of a lot of mental or physical effort: Lernen beginnen
I get out of breath with any kind of physical exertion.
very tired, especially after working hard for a long time: Lernen beginnen
I think he's a little weary after his long journey.
exactly at the stated time: Lernen beginnen
The performance will start at 7.30 sharp
to cause someone to feel sudden strong emotion: Lernen beginnen
They were overwhelmed with/by grief when their baby died.
a large, soft, flat bag filled with feathers or artificial material used as a covering on a bed Lernen beginnen
She pulled the duvet over her head to try to shut out the light.
to press or push, or to press or push an object, hard into someone or something: Lernen beginnen
She dug her fingernails into my wrist.
Lernen beginnen
The baby puked all down my shirt.