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PV skierować, stworzyć z myślą o, zrobić dla konkretnej grupy odbiorców
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to aim at
This program is aimed at the educated over 40's. The course is aimed at those aged 16 or over.
PV robić coś z intencją osiągnięcia czegoś, być czyimś celem. to plan, hope, or intend to achieve something
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to aim at
The talks are aiming at a compromise. I’m aiming at the Governorship of Kansas. The reorganization of the department was aimed at reducing extravagance. They're AIMING AT reducing costs by ten percent.
PV brać poprawkę na, brać pod uwagę w planach, kalkulacjach. to consider something when you are planning something
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to allow for
I allow for this possibility. You must allow for the fact that his hearing isn't very good. We allowed for living expenses of £20 a day. You should allow for the plane being delayed. We have to allow for the possibility that we may not finish on schedule.
PV dać możliwość, pozwolić. (transitive) To make possible; to allow
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to allow for
The gap between my classes allowed for me and my friends to go eat lunch.

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