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zakłady sportowe
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Sports Betting
How do you feel about sports betting? Do you see/hear ads for it? Do you know anyone who bets on sports?
„śmieć” produkowany masowo
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mass-produced “junk”
Is the item locally produced or is it mass-produced “junk”?
kolekcjonować coś
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collect sth
Does the person receiving the gift collect anything?
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otwieracze do butelek
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bottle openers
kieliszek do szotów
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shot glass
zmieścić się w czymś
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fit in sth
How large an item will fit in your luggage?
bagaż rejestrowany
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checked luggage
Can I fly with this item? Does it have to be in checked luggage?
ile pieniędzy chcesz wydać?
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How much money do you want to spend?
rezerwować na własną rękę
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booking on your own
What is the advantage of using a travel agent instead of booking on your own?
opinie/recenzje o wybranym kierunku
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opinions/reviews about your chosen destination
What are the customer opinions/reviews about your chosen destination?
rodzaj zakwaterowania
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type of accomodation
What type of accommodation would be best? Hotel, airbnb, resort, campsite
Jak droga powinna być ta podróż? Czy jest all-inclusive?
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How expensive should this trip be? Is it all-inclusive?
tam jest zimno (jest ciepło, jest słonecznie, pada deszcz)
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it's cold there (it's warm, it's sunny, it's raining)
niewiele sie zmienilo
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it hasn’t changed much
Wiele się zmieniło
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A lot has changed
odmówić opłaty za usługę
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refuse to pay for a service
Have you ever refused to pay for a service because it was done poorly?
pielęgnacja włosów
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What is your daily/weekly hair-maintanance routine?
Ładny i zwężający się (warstwowy)
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Nice and tapered (layered)
Hairstyle / haircut / hairdo
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Hairstyle / haircut / hairdo
Miałem krótsze włosy
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I had shorter hair
skontaktowac sie z kims kto wie o co chodzi
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take sth up with sb
ask someone specific about an issue
I don't know anything about your stolen phone, take it up with the police.
wziąć kogoś na randkę albo zabić xd
Lernen beginnen
take someone out
1. treat someone to a date 2. kill somebody
1. If you're not busy on Saturday, I'd love to take you out. 2. The boss says we gotta take this guy out before he testifies.
nie spieszyć się, robić coś w swoim tempie
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take someone's time
use all the time one needs, don't rush
Please take your time filling out the form, don't rush
zaakceptowac wyzwanie
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take sth on
accept a challenge
she's only a junior employee but she took on the whole account by herself
przyjmować coś na kogoś
takie podkreslenie ze ktos to chce zrobic, np. nie musi ale zrobi
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take it upon someone
accept personal responsibility to do sth
the owner of the apartment took it upon herself to give us the tour of the house.
produkowany lokalnie
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locally made
Is the item locally made or is it mass-produced “junk”?
popierać kogoś, wspierać kogoś, osłaniać kogoś, stać za kimś murem
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have/get one's back
support/back up
No worries man, I got your back. – I support you / I’m there for you
mieć coś na oku
Lernen beginnen
keep an eye on sth
watch, be vigiland of
You should keep an eye on the price of Bitcoin, buy it if it goes down. – pay attention to / periodically / regularly check
być złapanym na gorącym uczynku
Lernen beginnen
be caught red handed
caught in the act of doing sth bad/illegal
The defendant denies the allegations of insider trading, but she was caught red handed, we have the emails in evidence.
mieć już najgorsze za sobą, wychodzić na prostą
Lernen beginnen
be out of the woods
out of the worst situation, but maybe still not full recovered
Your uncle is still in critical condition, he isn’t out of the woods yet.
o wszystko
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for all marbles
for everything
- Alright that’s it, I challenge you to a game, this time for all the marbles, loser goes home.
zarzut, oskarżenie
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a claim of criminal activity
zarzucać, pomawiać
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to allege
the defendant alleges that the perpetrator hit him with a baseball bat
pozwany, oskarżony
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uważać na
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look out (for)
be aware, get out of the way
look out! it's coming right at you!
opiekować się
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look after
care for
my brother asked me to look after his dog
oczekiwać z niecierpliwością
Lernen beginnen
look forward to
be excited for sth in the future
i'm really looking forward to my vacation this summer. i'can't wait
wracać pamięcią do czegoś, wspominać coś
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look back on sth
think about a moment in the past
when i look back on my teen years I laugh. I've changed so much
9/10 razy
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none times out of ten
You should look out for anyone who claims they can make you a quick buck. Nine times out of ten, they’re scamming you.
nie do przyjęcia, niedopuszczalne
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be out of line
I thought that I acted reasonably in the moment, but when I look back, I realize my behavior was out of line
sprawdzić coś (w necie)
Lernen beginnen
look up
chcek/find an answer (on the internet), ' to google'
I don’t know how far away the next gas station is. Why don’t youjust look it up? – why don’t you just Google it?
Lernen beginnen
punishment, (years in prison, amount of fines, probation, etc.)
nieletni, niepełnoletni
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someone under the legal age (18)
drobne wykroczenia
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Petty crime
something not so serious (stealing a pack of gum)
wykroczenie (czyn zabroniony zagrożony grzywną, karą ograniczenia lub karą pozbawienia wolności)
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the technical term for a petty crime (much less serious than a felony)
poważne przestępstwo, zbrodnia
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Our client just committed a felony in front of a judge
kara śmierci
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capital punishment
when the government physically punishes (the death penalty)
za kulisami, w kuluarach
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behind the scenes
in the parts that public doesn't see
you only see what's public - you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. On camera she’s very kind and positive, but I’ve heard that she’s a nightmare behind the scenes.
iść spać, uderzyć w kimono
Lernen beginnen
hit the sack/hay
go to bed
i can't stay up any longer, i'm gonna go hit the hay. It’s getting late and I’m tired, I’m gonna hit the hay.
zaczynać na nowo, rozpoczynać od początku
Lernen beginnen
back to the drawing board
start over at the idea phase
well, our plan failed. let's. go back to the drawing board
puścić farbę, puścić parę z ust, wyjawić sekret, wygadać się
Lernen beginnen
spill the beans
OR: let the cat out of the bag; tell a secret
come on, just spill the beans already, i won't tell anyone else. I can’t believe you went and spilled the beans to Karen. I trusted you.
na dobre i złe
Lernen beginnen
through thick and thin
in all situations, easy and hard - used to express loyalty
you've been by my side for 30 years, through thick and thin
przede wszystkim
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first and foremost
most importantly
First and foremost, consume content and get angry.
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used for profit
If you are getting angry, you are being monetized
głupek, dureń
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dummy, idiot
Whoever asks [the question] first will be seen as the fool forever.
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crank up
turn on, turn up loudly
To ensure a restless night, crank up a stimulating video
imponowanie, robienie wrażenia
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impressing, making an impression
making proud, intriguing
Impressing others is what really matters in life
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world views
the ways you see life
Do not update your world views
inspiracja, wena
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sudden realization of purpose
Wait for inspiration to strike
zbytnio komplikować
Lernen beginnen
make harder than necessary
Do not overcomplicate things

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