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Lernen beginnen
silly and typical of a child rather than an adult
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having qualities that are typical of a child, especially positive qualities such as innocence and eagerness
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typical of young people, or seeming young
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the way someone behaves, dresses, speaks etc that shows what their character is like
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someone, especially a child or young person, who is mature behaves in a sensible and reasonable way, as you would expect an adult to behave
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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
a young person, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, who is developing into an adult
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behaving in a silly way that makes you seem much younger than you really are
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someone who is boyish looks or behaves like a boy in a way that is attractive
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infantile behaviour seems silly in an adult because it is typical of a child
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typical of an adult’s behaviour or of the things adults do
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an extreme unhealthy interest in something or worry about something, which stops you from thinking about anything else
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in stories, a dead person that sucks people’s blood by biting their necks
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the state of being very interested in something, so that you want to look at it, learn about it etc
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a very strong desire to have something, usually power or money
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only with great difficulty or effort
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if someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting
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an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true
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continuing for ever and having no end
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the quality or state of being young
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to be a very good example of an idea or quality
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mysterious events or situations are difficult to explain or understand
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unable to talk in a relaxed way because you feel nervous or embarrassed
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what someone wants to happen in a particular situation
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the feeling of not being part of society or a group
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the place or situation in which something begins to exist
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having a strong influence or effect
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someone who writes articles, especially about a particular subject, that appear regularly in a newspaper or magazine
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two statements, beliefs etc that are contradictory are different and therefore cannot both be true or correct
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the feeling you have when you think something is funny
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to feel embarrassed by something you have said or done because you think it makes you seem silly
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raw feelings are strong and natural, but not fully controlled
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not serious, important, or valuable
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not staying the same forever
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a strong desire to have or do something even though you know you should not
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to make unkind insulting remarks about someone or something
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the possibility that something will happen
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a belief or feeling etc that is well-founded is based on facts or good judgment
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the possibility that something very bad will happen
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to exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc
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to persuade someone to do something, especially something that does not seem wise
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pent-up feelings or energy have not been expressed or used for a long time
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a feeling of anger because something has happened that you think is unfair
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a feeling of being jealous
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a strong feeling of love for someone or interest in something, especially a feeling that is unreasonable and does not continue for a long time
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an expression of strong feelings
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a strong feeling of uncontrollable anger
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to deal with something very difficult or unpleasant in a brave and determined way
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a person or thing that you use instead of the one that you usually have, because the usual one is not available
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someone who writes a diary, especially one that is later sold
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to imagine that you are doing something which is very pleasant or exciting, but which is very unlikely to happen
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to make something seem better, larger, worse etc than it really is
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to make something seem less important than it really is
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to cause someone or something to be in a particular condition
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a book in which someone writes about their own life, or books of this type
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the state of being unwilling to talk about what you feel or what you know
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to keep something or continue to have something
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when something or someone is liked or supported by a lot of people
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when a plan, decision, or person is officially accepted
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an attitude that shows you think that someone or their behaviour, ideas etc are bad or not suitable
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the activity of sending internet or text messages that threaten or insult someone
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to reveal your most secret feelings
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the quality of being sentimental
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someone who is dedicated works very hard at what they do because they care a lot about it
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to feel sexually attracted to someone
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dependent on someone or something
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your social or professional rank or position, considered in relation to other people
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when something changes from one form or state to another
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the amount of time that someone or something lives
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consisting of many different parts and often difficult to understand
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the way in which two people or things affect each other
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the study of how the qualities of living things are passed on in their genes
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someone who is 100 years old or older
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a physical or mental condition that makes it difficult for someone to use a part of their body properly, or to learn normally
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very different from each other
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to eat too much, or eat more than is healthy
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having a clear aim or purpose
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to understand how good or useful someone or something is
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to ask for something in an anxious or urgent way, because you want it very much
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a quantity of something such as time, money, or a substance
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an example of a particular kind of situation
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the ability to think about something carefully or for a long time
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a number representing an amount, especially an official number
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when you are expecting something to happen
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the feeling that something pleasant or exciting is going to happen
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someone who is as important, intelligent etc as you are, or who has the same rights and opportunities as you do
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your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc
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someone you work with - used especially by professional people
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one of two people who are married, or who live together and have a sexual relationship
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the land and buildings of a university or college, including the buildings where students live
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a part of a number or an amount, considered in relation to the whole
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to take money out of a bank account
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one of the 100-year periods measured from before or after the year of Christ’s birth
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a job, experience, or situation that is stressful makes you worry a lot
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to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something
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relating to genes or genetics
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done in a way that is intended or planned
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not wanting to do something and refusing to do it
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the possibility that something bad, unpleasant, or dangerous may happen
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the quality of being common at a particular time, in a particular place, or among a particular group of people
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an untreatable illness or injury cannot be helped with drugs or an operation
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not at all enjoyable or pleasant
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something difficult or worrying that you are responsible for
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a date or time by which you have to do or complete something
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according to a rule, system etc
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the quality of being careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do
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to help to make something happen
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feeling certain that something is true
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a reason, argument etc that is based on what is reasonable or sensible
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an alternative idea, plan etc is different from the one you have and can be used instead
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when you guess about the possible causes or effects of something without knowing all the facts, or the guesses that you make
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when you believe that what you want to happen will happen, when in fact it is not possible
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taking stupid and unnecessary risks
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used when you admit that something is true
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relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything
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if opinions, ideas, attitudes etc veer in a particular direction, they gradually change and become quite different
the boot is on the other foot Lernen beginnen
used to say someone who has caused problems for other people in the past is now in a situation in which people are causing problems for them
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all people of about the same age
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the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something, especially when this is shown in your behaviour
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to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts
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a set of questions that you ask a large number of people in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour
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to think of an idea, story etc that is not true, usually in order to deceive people
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a set of numbers which represent facts or measurements
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clearly expressed in a few words
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correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose
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to not trust someone, especially because you think they may treat you unfairly or dishonestly
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to make someone feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable, especially in front of other people
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language or words that are colloquial are used mainly in informal conversations rather than in writing or formal speech
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to invent a new word or expression, especially one that many people start to use
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to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc
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a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups, countries etc
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if you jump on the bandwagon, you start doing or saying something that a lot of people are already doing or saying
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a period during which something is the most powerful or most important feature of a place
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a group of words that has a special meaning that is different from the ordinary meaning of each separate word. For example, ‘under the weather’ is an idiom meaning ‘ill’.
Lernen beginnen
to stay alive when you only have small amounts of food or money
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to remain alive or continue to exist for a long time
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something you hope to achieve by doing something
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to make something have an effect on a particular limited group or area
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to aim a product at a particular type of organization, group of people etc, or to describe it in a particular way, in order to sell it