Mowa zależna - pytania 1

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Frage English Antworten English
She asked me if there was any milk left.
Reported speech
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Is there any milk left? She asked me...
Direct speech
He asked me if I cooked at home.
Reported speech
Lernen beginnen
Do you cook at home? He asked me...
Direct speech
The teacher asked whether we had done our homework.
Reported speech
Lernen beginnen
Have you done your homework? The teacher asked...
Direct speech
She wondered whether he had told you about the meeting.
Reported speech
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“Did he tell you about the meeting?” she asked me. She wondered...
Direct speech
He asked me if I would take the dog for a walk.
Reported speech
Lernen beginnen
“Will you take the dog for a walk?” he asked me. He asked me...
Direct speech
He asked her what her favourite film was.
Reported speech
Lernen beginnen
What’s your favourite film? He asked her...
Direct speech
They asked Mary where she was going.
Reported speech
Lernen beginnen
Where are you going, Mary? They asked...
Direct speech
She asked me how long I had known Mark.
Reported speech
Lernen beginnen
How long have you known Mark? She asked...
Direct speech
He asked me what time I had arrived.
Reported speech
Lernen beginnen
What time did you arrive? He asked...
Direct speech
We wanted to know when the concert started.
Reported speech
Lernen beginnen
When does the concert start? We wanted...
Direct speech
He asked me how much money I had.
Reported speech
Lernen beginnen
“How much money have you got?” he asked me. He asked...
Direct speech

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