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an output of a schedule model that presents linked activities with planned dates, durations, milestones, and resources.
The project schedule includes Lernen beginnen
a planned start date and planned finish date for each activity
difference to schedule activities Lernen beginnen
are similar to regular schedule activities, with the same structure and attributes, but they have zero duration because milestones represent a moment in time
interesariusz Lernen beginnen
someone who lives in the area of project but doesn't know about it is also a stakeholder, it's the team's job to inform them about it, eg. a client/ sponsor, might be interested in a success or not
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directly connected to the project, eg. rent of the conference room, experts accomodation
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operational stuff, organization, rent for office
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financial/ no financial eg. People, equipment, materials, etc.
Calculation - possible mistakes, failures Lernen beginnen
Time pressure, Internal/external pressure, Limited information, Optimism vs pessimism, Cost volatility over time, Risk, Errors, Limited participation in the budgeting process, No documentation, No checklists, No actualisation
How can we measure project profitability? Lernen beginnen
payback period, discounted payback period, break-even point, net profit value, internal rate return, profitability index, ROI return on investment
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an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on one or more project objectives such as scope, schedule, cost, and quality
Process = step-by-step check-list Lernen beginnen
Identify risks, Evaluate probability, Evaluate impact, Document, Define action plan and/or contingency plan, Manage actions, Evaluate results, Repeat at weekly project meetings
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AVOID: eliminate threat by eliminating the cause, TRANSFER: shift responsibility to third party, MITIGATE: reduce probability and/or impact, ACCEPT: accept and create contingency reserves
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Preventative actions, Corrective actions
Risk proximity Lernen beginnen
which is the degree of uncertainty an entity is willing to take on in anticipation of a reward.
Risk proximity Lernen beginnen
which is the degree, amount, or volume of risk that an organization or individual will withstand.
Risk proximity Lernen beginnen
which refers to measures along the level of uncertainty or the level of impact at which a stakeholder may have a specific interest. Below that risk threshold, the organization will accept the risk.
individuallism vs collecitivism Lernen beginnen
Individualism stresses individual goals and the rights of the individual person. Collectivism focuses on group goals, what is best for the collective group individuallism = USA collecitivism = Russia, China Individualism - everyone takes care of himself, speaking one's mind is healthy. Collectivism -people are born to families which protects them in exchange to loyalty
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refers to the relationship between those in power and the subordinates in a society where lower ranking individuals depending on the high or low power distance culture react to that authority small distance - USA, large distance - Russia, China Small - consultation with subrdianates, student centered education, rare corruption, even distibution of income in society. Large - Hierarchy, frequent corruption
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diversity of gender roles Feminine -Russia, Masculine - USA, China feminity - minimum social and emotional difference btw the genders, masculinity - admiration for the strong, boys should fight, grils shouldn't
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is how cultures differ on the amount of tolerance they have WEAK avoidance - USA, strong - Russia weak uncertainty avoidance - low stress, self control, health and well being. Strong uncertainty avoidance - high stress, what is different is dangerous,
wyrozumiałość a powściągliwość Lernen beginnen
Indulgence stands for a society that allows gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun. Restraint - society that suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it by means of strict social norms indulgent - America, Restreined - Russia, China Indulgence - people are happy, freedom of speech. Restrained - fewer happy poeople, freedom of speech is not important
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