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Lernen beginnen
meaning: go big or go home
Lernen beginnen
meaning: to be surprised with something
Lernen beginnen
meaning: to do something you don’t want to do
"Cão que ladra não morde" Lernen beginnen
A dog that barks, does not bite. meaning: people who are the loudest, most obnoxious, threatening are normally the ones who do not have the guts to actually take actions
“Quem ri por último ri melhor” Lernen beginnen
He who laughs last laughs best. meaning: watch out for the consequences of your bad actions, karma will come
“Mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois a voar" Lernen beginnen
It is better to have on bird in your hand than two birds flying meaning: it's better to have one good thing than to lose two or more options due to being greedy.
"Cá se fazem, cá se pagam" Lernen beginnen
"Here they are made, here they are paid" meaning: if you do bad actions you will eventually feel the concequences of bad deeds you did
“Quem não arrisca não petisca” Lernen beginnen
"Those who do not risk do not snack" meaning: if you never risk to do something and always remain in you confort zone you will never enjoy success
“Quem vê caras não vê corações” Lernen beginnen
Those who see faces do not see hearts. meaning: people who only care for the aspect of others not their personality, like the english expression "Do not judge a book by its cover."
"Está com a pulga atrás da orelha" Lernen beginnen
To have the flea behind his ear meaning: he/she is looking suspicious
"Acordar com os pés de fora da cama" Lernen beginnen
To wake up with the feet off the bed meaning: someone woke up grumpy / with a bad mood
Lernen beginnen
Being with the olive oils meaning: To be in a bad mood / angry
"Muitos anos a virar frangos" Lernen beginnen
Many years turning chickens meaning: someone who has a lot of experience doing something
"Tirar o cavalinho da chuva" Lernen beginnen
Take the little horse out of the rain meaning: Don’t count on it! (when you expect something but it will never happend)
Lernen beginnen
meaning: to have a lot of nerve
Lernen beginnen
"In the shadow of the banana tree" meaning: to have no worries
Lernen beginnen
meaning: someone who forgets things a lot
Lernen beginnen
meaning: I don’t give a damn.
"Deus dá nozes a quem não tem dentes" Lernen beginnen
God gives nuts to those who have no teeth meaning: somebody is given something good but does not know how to use it, and you think: What a waste!
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
meaning: when you have a problem
Lernen beginnen
meaning: to say someone is "sexy"
"Gira o disco e toca o mesmo." Lernen beginnen
Turn the disk and play the same song. meaning: to talk about the same thing over and over again
Lernen beginnen
meaning: to say "go die far away" (not literally)
Lernen beginnen
Bread bread, cheese cheese meaning: to say something is simple, as bread is bread and cheese is cheese
Lernen beginnen
meaning: when someone reads a lot
Lernen beginnen
meaning: whant you say can be overheard
'Diz-me com quem andas e dir-te-ei quem és" Lernen beginnen
Tell me with whom you walk and I will tell you who you are meaning: a man is known by the company he keeps
"Longe da vista longe do coração" Lernen beginnen
Far from sight, far from the heart meaning: out of sight, out of mind, if you don't see something you won't need it
"A curiosidade matou o gato" Lernen beginnen
"Curiosity killed the cat" meaning: someone who is always looking for gossip but can't find anything
Lernen beginnen
"Walking like the spiders" meaning: to be confused, lost
Lernen beginnen
"A pensar morreu um burro" Lernen beginnen
meaning: to say someone is taking too long thinking