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Bees are essential to {zapylać} crops and flowers. Lernen beginnen
To pollinate {ˈpɒl.ɪ. neɪt}
{Zapylanie} is crucial for the reproduction of plants. Lernen beginnen
Pollination {ˌpɒl.əˈneɪ.ʃən}
She was visibly {zdenerwowana} after hearing the news. Lernen beginnen
Agitated {ˈædʒ.ɪ. teɪ. tɪd}
The room was filled with {zdenerwowanie} as they awaited the results. Lernen beginnen
Agitation {ˌædʒ.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən}
After hours of wandering, {odnaleźliśmy drogę powrotną}. Lernen beginnen
A {survivalista} is always prepared for emergencies. Lernen beginnen
Survivalist {səˈvaɪ. vəl.ɪst}
They struggled {przeżyć} in the harsh wilderness. Lernen beginnen
Their {przetrwanie} depended on finding water quickly. Lernen beginnen
The {lalkarz} skillfully brought the puppets to life. Lernen beginnen
Puppeteer {ˌpʌp.ɪˈtɪə(r)}
He grabbed a {latarkę} before heading into the dark basement. Lernen beginnen
We packed enough {zapasy} for the entire trip. Lernen beginnen
It was just a {zbieg okoliczności} that we met there. Lernen beginnen
Coincidence {kəʊˈɪn. sɪ. dəns}
They had to {uciekać} from the approaching storm. Lernen beginnen
Fortunately, the condition is {uleczalna} with proper medication. Lernen beginnen
Treatable {ˈtriː. tə. bəl}
The loud noise caused a {zakłócenie} during the meeting. Lernen beginnen
Disturbance {dɪˈstɜː. bəns}
She decided to {ujawnić} the truth about the incident. Lernen beginnen
The report aims to {ujawnić} corruption in the system. Lernen beginnen
Patience is considered a {cnotą}. Lernen beginnen
No one knows {co przyniesie przyszłość}. Lernen beginnen
He couldn’t {przewidzieć} the challenges ahead. Lernen beginnen
They decided to {wykluczyć} him from the team. Lernen beginnen
The construction of the bridge is scheduled to {rozpocząć} next month. Lernen beginnen