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in the same boat
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to be in the same unpleasant situation with others
miss the boat
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to miss a chance
paddle one's own canoe
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to do what you want to do without help or interference from anyone, to be independent and self-reliant
drive (sb) up the wall
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to become annoyed
backseat driver
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sm who teaches you how to drive but you actually do it well and annoy you with it
highways and byways
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all roads and sreets in a particular area
my way or the highway
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to agree if not to finish doing sth
hit the road
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to start a journey
on the home strech
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to be near your goal, destination
itchy feet
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sm who likes travelling a lot
make your way to
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manage to get somewhere without difficulty
any port in a storm
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the best solution in bad situation that wouldn't be good enough in a good condition
off the beaten track
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turistically unpopular places
get show on the road
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put plan into action
sail through
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succeed in without difficulty
sail close to the wind
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do sth dangerous
go on a shank's pony
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go on foot
on the wagon
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to no longer drink alcohol
my way or the highway
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If you say to someone 'it's my way or the highway', you are telling that person that either they accept what you propose or they leave the project.
hitch wagon to a star
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Someone who hitches their wagon to a star has great ambitions and is very determined to reach their goal.
take for a ride
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fool, cheat sb

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