Zakupy, sprzedaż

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handel, sprzedaż, branża, handlować
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Drug trade is illegal. As a businessman, you ought to follow fair trade rules. The hotel trade is very popular in Greece. He trades books and furniture.
redukować, ciąć koszty, ograniczać
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cut down
This will allow us to cut down the costs of the European institutions and avoid wasting time and money.
przekierować, zmienić kierunek
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Containers have diverted to South of Africa. The money should be diverted to the project, he said.
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They still don't accept that French is not the world's dominant language.
szybko działający
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fast acting
However, it is not a fast acting steroid and therefore its gains are slow and steady.
bliski wschód
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Middle East
I'm interested in history and culture of the Middle East.
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nagły wzrost, gwałtowny przyrost
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The end of 1994 saw a noticeable upsurge in violence.
zauważalny, wyraźny, odczuwalny
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But the difference was most noticeable in the young woman.
zdobyć, osiągnąć; korzyść, zysk
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A teacher must gain the trust of both his students and their parents. If you don't gain 500 points, you won't be able to get to the next level. Your loss is my gain.

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