À mon avis...

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à mon sens
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in my opinion, as I see it
selon moi/ d'après moi
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according to me
il me semble que+ indicatif
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it seems to me that + indicative
j’estime que
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I think that, consider that...
ma prise de position
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my position, the line I take
ma piste de réflexion
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my line of thought
le parti que je prends, c’est celui de
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the side I take is that of
cela me parait évident que
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it seems obvious to me that
cela me conduit à penser que
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this leads me to think that
je ne peux pas m’empêcher de penser que
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I can't help thinking that -Bunu düşünmeden edemiyorum
ce qui me préoccupe, c’est...
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what concerns me is...
à ma connaissance
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to my knowledge
il y a de fortes chances que...
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there is a good chance that...
à tort ou à raison
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right or wrong
avoir peur que + subjonctif
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to be afraid that + subjunctive
il me semble que +indicatif
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it seems to me that + indicative
il ne me semble pas que +subjonctif
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it doesn't seem to me that + subjunctive
il vaut mieux que + sunjonctif
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it is better than + sunjunctive

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