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Die Verwendung von VocApp1283Tagen. Ich lerne von VocApp914Tage, einschließlich stetig seit805Tagen. Ich bin der Autor63Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2025-03-20 22:05:50.

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Meine Vokabelkarteien

Moje słówka i zwroty
Managing a problem - 30.11.2023
30 Difficult Situations - 02.12.2023
Giving and receiving positive feedback - 22.11.2023
7 Biggest Business Challenges - 09.12.2023
A Threat to Bananas - 20.12.2023
Altenberg - rozdział 1 + 2
Altenberg - rozdział 3 + 4
10 Biggest Challenges for Consultants - 03.01.2024
15 Problems - Solving Activities - 24.01.2024
Altenberg - rozdział 5 + 6
Agile Working - 11.02.2024
Coaching - 17.02.2024
Conflict management - 25.02.2024
5 Common Workplace Conflicts - 29.02.2024
Altenberg - rozdział 7 + 8
Cultural behaviour in business - 16.03.2024
Four Books Summaries - 27.03.2024
Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds - 27.03.2024
7 Businessman's Qualities - 06.04.2024
Fashion - 19.04.2024
Human Race - Amazing Things About - 20.04.2024
Adjectives of Personality - 24.04.2024
Social Issues - Poverty - 27.04.2024
Personality Adjectives and Opposites - 01.05.2024
Daily Habits in Poland - 12.05.2024
30 Stories about Building Habits - 16.05.2024
Working Abroad - 21.05.2024
The Goldilocks Rule - 31.05.2024
Government Propaganda - 17.06.2024
How Humans Evolved Language - 11.07.2024
Delegating - 22.07.2024
Building Trust - 28.07.2024
Effective Collaboration - 19.08.2024
American Way of Eating - 25.08.2024
Angielskie Słownictwo C1 - Part 1 - 26.08.2024
Angielskie słownictwo C1 - Part 2 - 31.08.2024
Negotiation: Stages and Strategies - 10.09.2024
English Idiom Negotiation - 10.09.2024
Guide to business English negotiation - 12.09.2024
Aboriginal Children - Stolen Generation - 29.09.2024
Environmental Impact of Online Shopping - 05.10.2024
Five Essential Marketing Trends - 06.10.2024
10 Best Aussie Backyard Games to Play - 14.10.2024
Job Interviews - 29.10.2024 + listening 19.03.2025
Globalisation - The Guardian - 01.11.2024
Zwroty i Wyrażenia - 3 x screeny z 05.11.2024
Skiplagging - NYT - 20.11.2024
Influencing Across Cultures - 29.11.2024
Managing Meetings - 03.12.2024
Tips for a Successful Interview - 10.12.2024
Managing Up - 17.12.2024
Mindfulness At Work - 26.12.2024
09.01.2025 - Weather Idioms
Phrasal Verbs - Up and Down - 12.01.2025
Physical Contact - 14.01.2025
60 Advanced Words To Communicate With Impact - 16.01.2025
Employment - Jobs (vocabulary) - 29.01.2025
Bussines Phone Calls - 03.02.2025
6 Common Leadership Styles - 12.02.2025
Small Talk - 12.03.2025

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