23rd Nov 2016

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być uprawinonym do czegoś
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be entitled to sth
to be entitled to treatment on the NHS
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obopólny / wzajemny / bilateralny
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reciprocal (arrangement)
żądać zwrotu (np. kosztów)
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to claim money back for sth
brytyjski rząd
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THE British goverment
vice versa
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vice versa
powstrzymać łzy
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to hold back the tears
She couldn't hold back the tears when she was awarded the Medal of Freedom by sb.
mem internetowy
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Internet meme /mi:m/
the Michael Jordan of sth
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the Michael Jordan of sth
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na ekranie i poza nim
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on screen and off
the Dead Sea
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on the border of Jordan and Israel
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Haifa / TelAviv
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An autonomous republic in eastern Russia; population 948,400 (est. 2009); capital, Yakutsk. It is the coldest inhabited region of the world
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one of the oldest spruce in the world was found in Sweden; arnd 9 500 years old
the tallest building in the world
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Burj Khalifa; United Arab Emirates / Dubai
829 metres
Riyadh (capital) / Mecca
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Saudi Arabia
to be located in a particular place
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to lie
The Tasman Sea lies between Tasmania and Australia.
The town lies on the coast.
Victoria Lake
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Kenia, Uganda, /Tanzania/ -NIJA
przypisywać / imputować (przypisywać komuś coś (zwykle coś ujemnego)
Szef imputował mu niesumienność.
to say, often unfairly, that somebody is responsible for something or has a particular quality
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to impute sth TO sb
I denied the motives that my employer was imputing to me.
Medical marijuana
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is legal in California
Valley Girl
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a girl from a rich family who is only interested in things like shopping, thought to be typical of one of those living in the San Fernando Valley of California
niebezpieczny / ryzykowny
The museum is in a financially precarious position.
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precarious /prɪˈkeəriəs/
The world is a precarious and unstable place.
łamiący prawo
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a piece of clothing like a shirt, worn by women
/blaʊz/ BrE /blaʊs/ AmE
Rubik's Cube was
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invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor
to solve the Rubik's cube in the fastest time that you can
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koleżeństwo / poczucie koleżeństwa
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camaraderie /ˌkæməˈrɑːdəri/
a feeling of friendship and trust among people who work or spend a lot of time together
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vocational /vou/
to find it difficult to speak, because of the strong emotion that you are feeling
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to choke up AmE
She choked up when she began to talk about her mother.
wydać kogoś
He decided to turn himself in.
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She threatened to turn him in to the police.
You must all hand in / turn in your projects by the end of next week.
to hand sb in / to gibe sb in
‘I've lost count of the hundreds of miles I've covered’
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I’ve lost count of how many times she’s been late for work this month.
stracić poczucie czasu
Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going.
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lose track of timeto count of time / to lose track of time
I lost track of time (= forgot what time it was).
trząśc się
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My legs were trembling with fear.
take something to the next level
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take something to the next level
zabawa w chowanego
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Toddlers were playing hide-and-seek.
South Italy
northern Spain
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to throw sth carelessly
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He tossed the ball to Anna.
The Brandenburg Gate
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The Brandenburg Gate
wejść w świąteczny nastrój
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to get into the festive spirit
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a N American water animal that has a strong smell and is hunted for its fur
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