4.1 and the moral is

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feel low
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feel depressed
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To go for a leisurely walk: stroll in the park.
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To be driven or run ashore or aground: The boat stranded on the rocks.
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to be on the road to sth
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be in progress of doing sth
pass away
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to die
Every cloud has a silver lining
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something that you say which means that there is something good even in an unpleasant situation As the trip's been cancelled I'll be able to go to the match this Saturday. Every cloud has a silver lining.
what goes around comes around
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used to say that if you are bad and not kind, bad things will happen to you, and if you are good and kind, good things will happen to you 'He ended up with nobody looking after him.' 'Well, what goes around comes around"
where there's smoke there's fire
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if it looks like something is wrong, something probably is wrong People like to think where there's smoke, there's fire, so they will always believe you were involved even if you weren't.
once bitten twice shy
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When something or someone has hurt you once, you tend to avoid that thing or person.
when in Rome do as the Romans do
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Follow local custom, as in Kate said they'd all be wearing shorts or blue jeans to the outdoor wedding, so when in Rome-we'll do the same
where there's life there's hope
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As long as you are alive, you should be hopeful, because it is possible that your situation will improve
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
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If you do not take risks, you will never accomplish anything. Bill: Should I ask my boss for a promotion? Jane: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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