940 – Ending Excessive Spending

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Frage Antworten
osoba psująca efekt, humor (potocznie w US)
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buzzkill (inf)
if you think bad weather at the zoo sounds like a buzzkill, you’re right
łatwy zysk, łatwe pieniądze
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gravy/ gravy train (inf)
zewnętrzny, poboczny, obcy
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when the transmitter pack is turned off no extraneous noise is heard / other insects attach extraneous objects or material to themselves
dławić, tłumić
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extra police were called to quell the disturbance / Connor quelled him with a look /
kierownik działu
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department head
błahy, frywolny
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frivolous ribbons and lacy frills / the frivolous, fun-loving flappers of the twenties
nadmierny, przesadny, nieumiarkowany
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he was drinking excessive amounts of brandy
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things to make life in the tropics more bearable
dodatek do wynagordzenia, parzyć (kawę), bulgotać, przychodzić do siebie po chorobie
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she’d been depressed, but she seemed to perk up last week / the coffee had perked him up long enough to tackle the reviews /
dowiedzieć się o czymś
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to get wind of (informal)
Mortimer got wind of a plot being hatched
wady i zalety?
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long and short of sth
odosobnienie, azyl, rekolekcje, wycofać, odwrót
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miejsce (rozprawy, spotkania)
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the club is the city’s main venue for live music
brzęczenie, gwar, rozmowa telefoniczna (potocznie) / podniecenie, ekscytacja
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the buzz of the bees / there is a real buzz about the place / I’ll give you a buzz / I got such a buzz out of seeing the kids' faces / they created a huge buzz with their latest album

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