A03, 30.11.2015

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signed VAT declaration
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podpisana deklaracja VAT
I'm sending
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I'm sending a signed VAT declaration.
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Przesyłam podpisaną deklarację VAT.
Do you agree?
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Zgadzasz się?
Is it OK for you?
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Czy to jest dla ciebie OK? Czy to ci pasuje?
Can you pls check and let me know if it's OK for you.
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Czy mozesz sprawdzic i dac mi znac, ze to dla ciebie w porzadku?
agree on sth
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uzgodnić, dogadać się
If you send me the invoice on time I won't have to pay tax with interest.
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Jeśli przyślecie mi fakturę na czas nie będę musiała płacić podatku z odsetkami.
I won't have to make a correction for VAT declaration.
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Nie będę musiała robić korekty deklaracji VAT.
Could you please send me invoices according to tax obligation?
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Could you please send me invoices According To tax obligation?
Otherwise we have to pay tax with interest and we have a tax arrears and we have problems the Tax Office.
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Otherwise we have to pay tax with interest and we have a tax arrears and we have problems the Tax Office.
If you send the invoices on time I won't have any additional work.
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If you send the invoices on time I will not have any additional work.
Sending invoices over time gives me additional work.
Lernen beginnen
Sending invoices over time gives me additional work.

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