advanced grammar and vocabulary 2

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to give sth for free; to let someone know sth you wanted to keep secret; rozdawać; wydawać, ujawniać
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give away Don't you ever try to deceive me- your eyes will give you away again! Nigdy nie próbuj mnie oszukać- wszystko się znowu wyda w twoich oczach!
to send off; to deal with; wysyłać; uwijać się, szybko załatwić
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dispatch The decision to dispatch the troops to the area is at least controversial. Decyzja o wysłaniu wojsk na ten teren jest co najmniej kontrowersyjna
interesowna miłość
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cupbooard love
to be understood, to make one's message clear; znaleźć zrozumienie / oddźwięk
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get sth across I really don't know how to get my message across- why won't you listen carefully? Naprawdę nie wiem, jak znaleźć zrozumienie- dlaczego nie posłuchasz uważnie?
determined, stubborn; uparty, zawzięty
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nie zaspokajać czyjejś ciekawości
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keep sb guessing
to have great difficulty moving in e.g. water; szarpać się, miotać się
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flounder about / around Somehow we got him out of water- he'd been floundering about in panic. Jakoś wydostaliśmy go z wody- miotał się w panice.
disappointment; zawód, rozczarowanie
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letdown The whole meeting turned out a letdown in fact. Całe to spotkanie w rzeczywistości okazało się rozczarowaniem.
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carry the day
sth happens because of
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sth can be put down to The doctors put his ill health down to the fact that he was working too much. The doctor said that his ill health could be put down to the fact that he was working too much.
not to dol produce/pay sth in time
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to be/ fall behind with sth Mark's fallen behind with most of his payments.
to earn just enough money to survive
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to eke out a living
(used for things) the value of sth will increase with the passing of time (often used for investments) Opp: to depreciate in value
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to appreciate In value
(in) small monthly payments
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(In) Instalments I'm buying a TVin twelve monthly instalments.
to cost a lot of money
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to cost a (small) fortune/ a bomb/ the Earth
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thin+ houngry unpleasantly thin, often with bones showing
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extremely beautiful or attractive
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(especially of a woman's face or voice) sexually attractive in a way that suggests sexual desire
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describes a woman who has a soft, curved, sexually attractive body
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permanently red (face)
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greased back
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braid (AE)
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pig- tails
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bungs (AE)
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to give a person or group of people the right to vote in elections
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to show someone where they should go, or to make someone go where you want them to go
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to usher
to make something which is already bad worse
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an unpleasant condition, especially a serious, sad or difficult one
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something that will solve all problems' cure all illness
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not in use any more, having been replaced by something newer and better or more fashionable
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obsolete Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.
a place or situation in which different cultures or styles can mix together to produce something new and exciting
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to represent or show something in a picture or story
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depict Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last century. In the book, he depicts his father as a tyrant. [+ -ing verb] People were shocked by the advertisement which depicted a woman beating her husband.
very great in amount or level, or extremely good
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in a state of not working well
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out of kilter
naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place
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indigenous Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area? So who are the indigenous people of this land?
a number that results from dividing one whole number by another, or a small part of something
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FRACTION ¼ and 0.25 are different ways of representing the same fraction. Although sexual and violent crimes have increased by 10%, they remain only a tiny/small fraction of the total number of crimes committed each year. They can produce it at a fraction of the cost of (= much more cheaply than) traditional methods.
a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting/ a list of aims or possible future achievements
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AGENDA There were several important items on the agenda. The question of security is high on the agenda for this afternoon's meeting. Women's rights have been put back on the agenda (= are being discussed publicly again). The subject of safety must be placed high on/at the top of the agenda (= must be discussed because it is very important). Education was placed firmly on the political agenda in the Prime Minister's weekend speech.
to tremble with fear or at a thought of sth scary; to experience fear of sth; drżeć na myśl o czymś, trząść się ze strachu
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shudder at Nancy's mom is determined to seek professional help- the girl shudders at the very thought of going to school. Mama Nancy jest zdeterminowana, żeby poszukać pomocy profesjonalisty- dziewczynka drży na samą myśl o pójściu do szkoły.
to avoid; unikać, wystrzegać się, powstrzymywać się od
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ESCHEW You're not going to achieve anything unless you begin to eschew escaping to a world of fantasy and daydreaming. Niczego nie osiągniesz, chyba że bpowstrzymasz się od ucieczki w świat fantazji i marzeń.
trzymać się z daleka, unikać
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steer clear
a quantity of sth you can carry in both hands; naręcze
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ARMFUL She brought an armful of flowers. Przyniosła naręcze kwiatów.
with golden edges (of a book); perfect, great; ze złoconymi brzegami (o książce); pierwszorzędny, świetny
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zastanawiać się nad czymś
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give sth a second thought
beginning, just starting to be visible; początkowy, rozpoczynający się, rodzący się (zaczynający się)
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incipient Certain signs of incipient anxiety were clearly visible. Pewne oznaki rodzącego się niepokoju były wyraźnie widoczne

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