ANG - VI klasa - zabawne (odm. czas.)

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Frage English Antworten English
throw, throwing, threw
Lernen beginnen
You threw away the bird I gave you? That was a present!
eat, eating, ate
Lernen beginnen
Sit down, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, I ate your hamster this morning.
sit, sitting, sat
Lernen beginnen
I am sitting on the face. This is a good place to sit.
do, doing, did
Lernen beginnen
I did something bad.
check, checking, checked
Lernen beginnen
I am checking. It's comfortable.
I don't, I'm not, I didn't
Lernen beginnen
I didn't brush my hair this morning and I'm still more fabulous than you.
drop, dropping, droped
Lernen beginnen
Nobody move! I dropped my nuts!
happen, happening, happened
Lernen beginnen
I have no idea how it happened...
happen, happening, happened
Lernen beginnen
Something happened in the kitchen and... and I love you so much.
trust, trusting, trusted, wake, waking, woke
Lernen beginnen
Last time I trusted you. I woke up without my balls.
tell, telling, told, hate, hating, hated
Lernen beginnen
I told my husband I hated going to the bathroom at night in our cabin, because the toilet seat was so cold...
wake, waking, woke, see, seeing, saw
Lernen beginnen
I woke up and saw this. He even used clean socks. I love him!
tell, telling, told, get, getting, got
Lernen beginnen
I just told him, we are getting a puppy.
sleep, sleeping, slept, stay, staying, stayed
Lernen beginnen
I know you slept well. I stayed up to watch you, all night.


lisska er schrieb: 2013-09-23 11:31:36
Present continuous i simple past w zdaniach.

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