Ania O. 9th July 2015

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Musiałam umyć włosy
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I had to wash my hair.
Musiałam odrobić lekcje.
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I had to do my homework.
wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodziny
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happy birthday
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Życzę ci wielu pięknych wycieczek.
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I wish you a lot of / lots of / many beautiful trips.
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to count
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Lernen beginnen
Mieszkam na pierwszym piętrze.
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I live on the first floor.
Ile lekcji miałaś wczoraj?
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how many lessons did you have yesterday?
Ile kawy wypiłaś?
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How much coffee did you drink?
ile to kosztuje?
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how much (does it cost)?
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Ile czasu potrzebujesz?
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How much time do you need?
ile godzin?
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How many hours?
ile minut?
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how many minutes?
Mam wielu przyjaciół w Niemczech.
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I have many friends in Germany.
Ona ma dużo książek po angielsku.
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She has a lot of books in English.
Moja mama ma dużo wolnego czasu.
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My mum has a lot of free time.
Mam psa.
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I have a dog. / I have got a dog. / I've got a dog.
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to get - got - got
czy masz psa?
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Have you got a dog? / Do you have a dog?
Nie mam psa.
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I don't have a dog. / I haven't got a dog.
Mam różowy rower.
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I have got a pink bike. / I've got a pink bike. / I have a pink bike.
Czy masz różowy rower?
Lernen beginnen
Have you got a pink bike? / Do you have a pink bike?
Jej mama ma zielone włosy.
Lernen beginnen
HER mum has got green hair. / Her mum's got green hair. / Her mum has green hair.
czy ona ma zielone włosy?
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Does her mum have green hair? / Has she got green hair?
Ona nie ma psa.
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She doesn't have a dog.
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to write - wrote - written
błędny / niepoprawny
prawidłowy / właściwy
Lernen beginnen

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