Audi Cup

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1. Agency will distribute the International media rights for the Audi Cup pre-season football tournament this summer
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1. inside one country and not international - a domestic flight. 2. Audi Cup will be shown on the domestic ARD through the Das Erste channel.
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divest - pozbawić. Vivendi committed to divest Telecom's stake in concern.
majority stake
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majority stake - większość udziału. Vivendi bought majority stake
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shareholder - główny akcjonariusz. Biedni became the main shareholder.
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strenghen - umacniać. Vivendi strengthens Hits hold step by step.
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antitrust - anymonopolowe
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approval - zgoda, zatwierdzenie, uznanie. Get antitrust approval. Get approval - uzyskać aprobatę.
in order to
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in order to - w celu, żeby, aby.
the competition
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the competition - konkurencja

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