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zdecydowane kroki, ograniczenie, ściślejsza kontrola
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a sudden action taken by a government or people in authority to stop or limit a particular activity:
Following the military coup, there has been a clampdown on press reporting in the capital.
całkowity zakaz
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blanket ban
lista przebojów, lista de éxitos
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the charts
the lists produced each week of the records with the highest sales:
music chart
zgrzyt (coś nie na miejscu)
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crack, off-note
We had a crack and now we're not talking. It was just a little crack, everything is fine between us.
podział na strefy, podział na rejony, rejonizacja
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the act of deciding, or the decision that has been taken about, what particular use an area should have:
The town’s new zoning establishes a height limit of eight stories on any new building.
wpisany do rejestru zabytków (np. most, budowla)
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He does not maintain an office under his name and has no listed telephone.
przywołać taksówkę
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hail a taxi
to raise your arm to let a taxi driver know that you wish to hire a taxi
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The viaduct was not cut and no aircraft were lost.
wypłata, rozliczenie, łapówka, przekupstwo
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You have time for payoff until the end of the month. He is known not to take payoffs.
awanturniczy, zawadiacki
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Our picks include murder mysteries on the high seas, true tales of swashbuckling pirates, and histories spanning thousands of years that paint a picture of our seafaring civilization.
karny naród
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a disciplined nation

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