casa papel 1.2

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cuando todo esto termine
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when all this is over
te has olvidado de mi
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You have forgotten me
te has dejado un móvil encendido
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you have left a mobile on
ni siquiera oirás
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you won't even hear
de esa manera supe que lo había jodido todo
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that way i knew i had screwed it all up
la que te va a cuidar
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the one who will take care of you
no ha sido
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it has not been
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y quien ha sido?
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and who was it?
ya verás
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you will see
ya verás como se arreglan
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you'll see how they are fixed
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send me
mandame una foto tuya
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send me a photo of yourself
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send it to me
que cojones ha sido eso
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what the hell was that
qué hubieras hecho tú?
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What would you have done?
me cago en mi vida!
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I shit on my life!
que vas a hacer?
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what are you going to do?
yo te parezco un mamón?
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Do I look like a sucker to you?
yo te parezco un mamón al que se puede mentir?
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I look like a sucker to whom you can lie?
escupiendo en la cara
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spitting in the face
estoy de coña
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i'm kidding
Déjame quedarme
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Let me stay.
hasta que la que la ganemos
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until we win it
encontramos un tren que nos lleve a algún lado
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we found a train to take us somewhere
supongo que será mucho más difícil
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I guess it will be much more difficult
Pues ven con nosotros
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Well come with us
aunque sea mala la comida
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even if the food is bad
por lo menos no estarás solo
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at least you won't be alone
Callate, que te va oir!
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Shut up, who will hear you!
estas casado?
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you're married?
no he tenido mucho tiempo para ello
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I haven't had much time for it
ya me contareis
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you will tell me
pues la barba te siento muy bien
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Well the beard looks very good to you
te tapa la cicatriz
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covers your scar
si no nos conocemos de nada
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if we don't know each other at all
un tren que va recogiendo a los rezagados
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a train that picks up stragglers
no puedo regresar en Polonia
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I can't go back to Poland
estaba pasando unos días en Girona
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I was spending a few days in Girona
tu como lo sabes?
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How do you know?
justo lo que necesito
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just what i need
acaba de llegar ahora mismo
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just arrived right now
aquí no despedimos
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here we do not say goodbye
Para salvar al mundo
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To save the world
no hay de que
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you're welcome
nos tenemos que ir
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we have to go
hasta que no regresen los chicos no nos vamos
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until the boys come back we won't leave
corred! Tirad lo que llevéis!
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run! Throw what you have!
cruza la calle
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cross the street
ahora vuelvo
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I'll be right back
este no es lugar de citas
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this is not a dating place
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luego vengo a buscarte
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then I come to look for you
que no te se olvide
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don't forget
como se pone todo polvo con las ventanas abiertas
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how all dust gets with the windows open
estoy por quedarme contigo
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I'm about to stay with you
ni lo sueñes
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do not even dream about it
no crees que esta rara?
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don't you think it's weird?
y esta claro que se quiere quedar sola para verse con alguien
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and it is clear that she wants to stay alone to see someone
no se habrá echado un novia
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he will not have had a girlfriend
no te hagas ilusiones
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do not flatter yourself
Paula dio a luz a su hijo
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Paula gave birth to her son
ella está muy débil.
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she is very weak.
no se le notara el embarazo
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the pregnancy will not be noticed
insisto en llenar la ficha
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I insist on filling out the form
es un favor que le pido
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It is a favor that I ask of you
quiere verle usted?
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do you want to see him?
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mi compromiso con ella ha terminada
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my engagement with her has ended
a mi que no me busque
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don't look for me
que esta haciendo? Salga de aqui inmediatamente
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what are you doing? Get out of here immediately
Nadie me lo quiere decir
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Nobody wants to tell me
si no me dices estaré triste
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if you don't tell me I'll be sad
no ves que asustas a la gente con esas pintas?
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Don't you see that you scare people with those pints?
que ocurre?
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what happen?
quien coño te ha llamado! Salga de aqui!
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who the hell called you! Get out of here!
ves como asustas a la gente?
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Do you see how you scare people?

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