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Frage English Antworten English
What was James doing at six p.m.?
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James was writing his homework.
Where was Susan walking when you met her?
Lernen beginnen
Susan was walking to the club.
Why was the baby crying all night?
Lernen beginnen
The baby was crying because she was ill.
What were you writing all moning?
Lernen beginnen
I was writing reports.
What was Jennifer cooking in the afternoon?
Lernen beginnen
Jennifer was cooking a pie.
How long were you waiting for us?
Lernen beginnen
We were waiting for a half an hour.
Where were you driving when we met last Friday?
Lernen beginnen
I was driving to work.
Who was talking on the phone at two p.m.?
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The secretary was talking on the phone.
What was Michael looking for in the evening?
Lernen beginnen
Michael was looking for his mobile phone.
How long were the students preparing for their maths exam?
Lernen beginnen
The students were preparing for the exam for six day.

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