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When Robert replied to my email I got really excited.
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He didn't actually say very much about himself.
He just told me that he was now a teacher, which surprised me because he always used to say he would hate to teach.
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He also told me that he'd been married but was now divorced.
Anyway, I answered his email and we agreed to meet for lunch at a restaurant I like
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it's a place where I often go at weekends.
When I got there I looked around to see if I could see him, but I couldn't, and I thought, 'Typical! Same old Robert', because he always used to be late.
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So I sat down and ordered a drink.
I was just sipping my wine when a man came over to my table and said, "Carol, how are jou?'
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I could hardly believe it
I mean I know neither of us is young any more, but I think I look good for my age.
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People usually say I look five years younger than I am.
But Robert looked like an old man.
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His lovely long hair was all gone - in fact he was bald, with a few strands of hair sort of comber over his head - and he was wearing the most hideous jacket.
Well, I know you shouldn't judge by appearances, so I smiled at him and we started talking, and well, I quite enjoyed the lunch and we talked a lot about the past - but I knew assoon as I saw him that we didn't have anything in common any more.
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And I was right.
Instead of the rebel he used to be, he was, well, now much more conventional than me.
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In fact, he seemed just like the sort of teachers we used to hate when we were young.

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