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to be on the ball
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able to think or react very quickly
move the goalpost
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changed the rules
take your eye off the ball
Lernen beginnen
loose concentration
a level playing field
Lernen beginnen
a fair situation
a whole new ball game
Lernen beginnen
a completely new or diffrent situation
score an own goal
Lernen beginnen
do or say sth which has opposite resoult to your intention
start the ball rolling
Lernen beginnen
start sth happening
to enhance
Lernen beginnen
to improve
Lernen beginnen
to be disillusion
Lernen beginnen
to be dissatisfied
boast to sb about
Lernen beginnen
show off
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
lack of balance
Lernen beginnen
enhance sth
Lernen beginnen
to improve sth
night out
Lernen beginnen
sleep nights
it pays off
Lernen beginnen
it is worth of
to have driven
Lernen beginnen
to have strong will
status as role model
Lernen beginnen
to be pattern to follow
get sucrifices
Lernen beginnen
when you give up sth important to get sth more important
Lernen beginnen
push to extreams
Lernen beginnen
sth that is much greater than usuall
Lernen beginnen
the refusal to let anything prevent you from doing what you have decidied to do
set sb a part
Lernen beginnen
to make sb diffrent from or better than other people
Lernen beginnen
thinking about sth all the time
a deed/stunt
Lernen beginnen
an activity

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