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the Crucifixion
the death of Christ on the cross
drożdżowa bułeczka ze znakiem krzyża, jedzona w Wielki Piątek
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hot-cross bun
a round sweet bread roll with a mark in the shape of a cross on top, that is traditionally eaten just before Easter
Wielki Post
Lernen beginnen
the 40 days before Easter when some Christians eat less food or stop doing something that they enjoy
Ostatki, wtorek przed Środą Popielcową
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Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day, Pancake Tuesday
the day before the first day of the Christian period of Lent, when people in Britain traditionally eat pancakes
Zmartwychwstanie Chrystusa
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the Resurrection
the return of Jesus Christ to life after his death on the cross, which is one of the main beliefs of the Christian religion
Wielki Piątek
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Good Friday
the Friday before the Christian holiday of Easter, that Christians remember as the day Jesus Christ was crucified
zajączek wielkanocny
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Easter Bunny
an imaginary rabbit that children believe brings chocolate eggs at Easter
Wielki Czwartek
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Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday
the Thursday before Easter
wielkanocne ciasto z bakaliami i marcepanem
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simnel cake
a cake made with dried fruit that is traditionally eaten at Easter
Męka Pańska
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The Passion (of Jesus Christ)
Niedziela Palmowa
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Palm Sunday
the Sunday before Easter in the Christian Church
Niedziela Wielkanocna
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Easter Sunday
wielkanocna gra polegająca na szukaniu schowanych jajek czekoladowych
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święcić pokarm
Lernen beginnen
to bless food
Lernen beginnen
Easter basket

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