eng 3a

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przesłanka; podstawa (dowodzenia, twierdzenia)
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premise; a statement or idea that you accept as true and use as a base for developing other ideas; also: premiss; The idea that there is life ON other planets is the central premise of the novel. BrE
załapać (zrozumieć, wyjaśnić)
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get a handle on sth = to start to understand a situation, subject etc; It's difficult to get a handle on how widespread this problem is.
dogłębny, szczegółowy
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indepth, thorough /THara AmE: THarou/, complete, and considering all the detail
szczegolowe badanie/ analiza
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in-depth study/research/analysis etc
dotyczyć; odnosić się (do czegoś)
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to pertain; pertain TO something, to relate directly to something
prawodawstwo/ustawodawstwo odnoszące się do praw pracowników
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legislation pertaining to employment rights
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wyjaśniać Englisch
to Explicate, to explain an idea in detail
W gruncie rzeczy to łatwe pojęcie, ale wyjaśnienie jego jest skomplikowane.
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It is essentially a simple notion, but explicating it is difficult.
być przypisanym do czegoś
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can be attributed to sth
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przy pomocy
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by means of
sprawozdawca sportowy; dziennikarz sportowy
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sportscaster; someone who describes a sports game as it is being broadcast on teleVIsion
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to determine
... drugie wynika z pierwszego.
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Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.
przeważający; popularny; częsty; często spotykany
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prevalent; Solvent abuse is especially prevalent among younger teenagers.
ogólnie, generalnie
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on the whole
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miedzy innymi
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inter alia; The paper discussed, inter alia, political, economic, and social issues.
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technical language
List był sformułowany w taki spsób, że podejrzewałem, że coś było nie tak.
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The letter was worded in such a way that I suspected something was wrong.
Jak możemy sformułować list tak, żeby nikogo nie obrazić.
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How can we word the letter SO AS NOT to offend the parents?
ostro sformulowany list
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a strongly worded letter
formułować, wyrażać
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formulate a policy/plan/strategy etc; formulate an idea/theory
dzięki czemu
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whereby; BY MEANS OF which or according to which
To był nierozłączny ze swoim psem.
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Tom was inseparable FROM his dog, Snowy.
Książka przedstawia temat w sposób wyczerpujący.
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the book covers its subject comprehensively.
pełny; całościowy; wszechstronny; kompleksowy
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comprehensive; including all the necessary facts, details, or problems that need to be dealt with
comprehensible vs understanding
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! Do not confuse with comprehensible (=possible to understand) or understanding (=sympathetic about people's problems): His report was barely comprehensible. My parents are very understanding.
prawny opiekun
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legal guardian; His aunt is his legal guardian.
anioł stróż
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guardian angel
społeczeństwo technologiczne
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technological society
między innymi
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among other things
w odniesieniu do czegoś
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with regard to
temat, tematyka
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to disseminate; Her findings have been widely disseminated. the dissemination of information
reguła gramatyczna jest calkiem prosta
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the grammar rule is pretty straightforward
łatwy, prosty
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straightforward, simple and easy to understand
całkiem prosty
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relatively/quite/fairly straightforward
Zainstalowanie programu jest całkiem proste.
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Installing the program is relatively straightforward.
Kto przychodzi na kolację?
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Who is coming to dinner?
Mężczyzna, ktory ukradł mi rower został aresztowany.
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The man who stole my bike was arrested.
to jest pułapka
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here's the catch
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disparity in/between; a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one; a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women
nienaturalny; sztuczny
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stilted; a stilted style of writing or speaking is formal and unnatural
postępować zgodnie z regułą
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to follow the rule strictly
zamiast czegoś, kogoś
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in place of somebody/something also in somebody's/something's place
zdaj sie na to jak coś brzmi
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follow your ear, not only rules
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contradictory, The public is being fed contradictory messages about the economy.
poza terenem, na terenie
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off the premises, on the premises; The manager escorted him off the premises.
odurzanie się rozpuszczalnikami (przez wdychanie)
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solvent abuse; when someone breathes in gases from glues or similar substances in order to get a pleasant feeling, especially when they become dependent on doing this = glue-sniffing
szczery, prostolinijny
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straightforward, Jack is tough, but always straightforward and fair.
przypisywać coś czemuś
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attRIbute something to somebody/something
zboczony; anormalny
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Aberrant; aberrant behaviour; America's laws were written to preserve the Judeo-Christian tradition, which deems homosexuality aberrant.
podjudzać; podżegać; nakłaniać do przestępstwa
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aBET, to help someone do something wrong or illegal
odchylenie; aberracja
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pomagać w popełnieniu przestępstwa
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aid and abet law to help someone do something illegal
w zawieszeniu
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in abeyance something such as a custom, rule, or system that is in abeyance is not being used at the present time
nie być w użyciu, wyjść z użycia
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fall into aBEYance (=no longer be used)

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