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These are many ways in which English people spend their free time.
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For most people the main leisure activity is, of course, watching television.
Although people like to complain about the quality of TV programmes, most of them watch television for a few hours a day.
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Other leisure activities depend on the age group.
Young people, teenagers and people under 25, spend their free time outside the home.
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They often go to discos or to youth centres.
A lot of them practise sports and play outdoor games.
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Football, cricket and golf are the most popular games for young.
About 70 per cent of teenagers in Britain play one of these games more or less regularly.
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This is more than in Poland and in most countries in Europe.
People over 25 have less time for leisure.
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They have to stay at home with their small children.
They also have less money because very often the wife doesn't have a job.
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Because of this they have to spend they leisure time at home.
They can only go away on holiday, and then many of them go camping in tents or caravans.
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People over 45 usually have more time for leisure.
They also have more money.
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But at 45 they become less energetic and so they prefer indoor activities, such as going to parties or giving them.
In this age group golf becomes more popular than other games.
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Because they have more money, people of this age can go away on holiday without problems and very often spend holidays abroad.

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