Stop the fire, kill fire, finish fire, end fire, close fire, turn off fire, help with fire, get the water, water the fire, people help me, get somebody, get a specialist, fire specialist, expert, fire expert, fireman, firefighter
What you use when stopping (extinguishing) a fire: hands, telephone, water, toilet, panic, chaos, control, keep calm, fire equipment, alarm system, everything, stairs not lift, special machine to stop the fire, extinguisher, escape way,...
Stop the fire with fantasy: get the water dragon, get ice from fridge, build igloo, get extreme winter with big snow, open hydrant with a lot of water, ask birds to bring water bombs, talk to fire and lead it outside, become the fire master,...
Fantasy will help to finish the fire: get army of kamikaze snowmen, invite group of food trucks with ice cream, create strong wind from the sea, change the laws of physics and chemistry, create a big king size fire show...