Fiszki evans

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Frage English Antworten English
clear the air
Lernen beginnen
remove suspicion/bad feeling
oczyścić atmosferę, wyjaśnić sytuację
all along
Lernen beginnen
from the beginning until now
all but
Lernen beginnen
nearly, almost
prawie, całkiem
all in
Lernen beginnen
all in all
Lernen beginnen
when everything is considered
all the same
Lernen beginnen
yet, however
tym samym, mimo wszystko
all told
Lernen beginnen
altogether, in total
zliczając wszystkich, wszystko razem
be the apple of sb's eye
Lernen beginnen
be very precious to sb; be sb's favourite
be up in arms
Lernen beginnen
be very angry
for all
Lernen beginnen
in spite of
for all I care
Lernen beginnen
I don't care
for all I know
Lernen beginnen
as far as I know
in the act of
Lernen beginnen
while performing the act
in the air
Lernen beginnen
make allowances for
Lernen beginnen
take special circumstances into consideration
wziąć coś pod uwagę, brać na coś poprawkę
make amends for
Lernen beginnen
try to compensate for a past action
poprawić się, zmienić na lepsze
of all people
Lernen beginnen
used to express annoyance/surprise
on account of
Lernen beginnen
because of
on no account
Lernen beginnen
under/in no circumstances
on the air
Lernen beginnen
broadcasting (opp: off the air)
on the alert
Lernen beginnen
watchful and prepared/on the lookout/expecting sth
być czujnym, mieć się na baczności
take sth into account
Lernen beginnen
consider sth
on this/that account
Lernen beginnen
for this/that reason
z tego powodu
whet sb's appetite
Lernen beginnen
make sb eager to have/experience more
ostrzyć sobie apetyt
up in the air
Lernen beginnen
existing, but not talked about
pod znakiem zapytania, w niepewności
above board
Lernen beginnen
uczciwy, szczery, legalny
bark up the wrong tree
Lernen beginnen
have a false idea about sth
skupiać się na niewłaściwym problemie, mylić się w ocenie czegoś
be broke
Lernen beginnen
have no/very little money
być spłukanym, być bez pieniędzy
be full of beans
Lernen beginnen
be very lively
tryskać energią, być pełnym energii
be in sb's black books
Lernen beginnen
out of favour
być na czyjejś czarnej liście
beat about/around the bush
Lernen beginnen
avoid saying what one means directly
owijać w bawełnę
behind bars
Lernen beginnen
in prison
Lernen beginnen
conceited; boastful
zarozumialec, ważniak
black and blue all over
Lernen beginnen
covered with bruises
blessing in disguise
Lernen beginnen
sth which appears bad at first but then turns out favourably
szczęście w nieszczęściu
blue-eyed boy/golden boy
Lernen beginnen
a favoured person
złoty chłopak (popularny i odnoszący sukcesy)
bolt from the blue
Lernen beginnen
grom z jasnego nieba
Lernen beginnen
sudden clear idea/thought
genialna myśl, olśnienie
break even
Lernen beginnen
show neither loss nor profit
wyjść na zero
browned off
Lernen beginnen
fed up; bored
znudzony, zmęczony (przez coś)
butter sb up
podlizywać się komuś, kadzić komuś
Lernen beginnen
to flatter someone
by and large
Lernen beginnen
generally speaking
ogólnie rzecz biorąc, w sumie
catch sb red-handed
Lernen beginnen
be caught while committing a crime
złapać kogoś na gorącym uczynku
chip off the old block
Lernen beginnen
sb who is very like one of his parents
cost a bomb
Lernen beginnen
very expensive
deal a blow to
Lernen beginnen
damage one's hopes
don't hold your breath
Lernen beginnen
don't wait for sb/sth anxiously
drive a hard bargain
Lernen beginnen
be a tough businessman
drop a brick
Lernen beginnen
say sth tactlessly
feel in one's bones
Lernen beginnen
feeling sth instinctively
get your own back
Lernen beginnen
take/get revenge
have a bee in one's bonnet
Lernen beginnen
have an obsession about sth
have butterflies in one's stomach
Lernen beginnen
be very nervous about sth
in black and white
Lernen beginnen
in writing
in the balance
Lernen beginnen
kick the bucket
Lernen beginnen
lay bare
Lernen beginnen
make public
make a clean breast of
Lernen beginnen
make one's blood boil
Lernen beginnen
cause sb to become very angry
on the spur of the moment
Lernen beginnen
without thinking about sth
out of the blue
Lernen beginnen
suddenly and unexpectedly
ring a bell
Lernen beginnen
remind sb of sth
see the back of
Lernen beginnen
be glad to see sb leave
take the bull by the horns
Lernen beginnen
deal with sth boldly and directly
wet blanket
Lernen beginnen
dull person who spoils people's happiness
a piece of cake
Lernen beginnen
sth very easy to do
a red-letter day
Lernen beginnen
a very important day
a wild-goose chase
Lernen beginnen
a hopeless search
be caught red-handed
Lernen beginnen
be caught while committing a crime
be on the cards
Lernen beginnen
be likely to happen
be over the moon
Lernen beginnen
be elated
call sb names
Lernen beginnen
insult sb
chair a meeting
Lernen beginnen
preside over a meeting
crocodile tears
Lernen beginnen
false tears
cross one's mind
Lernen beginnen
think of sth
cut sb dead
Lernen beginnen
ignore sb
different as chalk and cheese
Lernen beginnen
totally different
down in the dumps
Lernen beginnen
down the drain
Lernen beginnen
wasted; lost
get a bit hot under the collar
Lernen beginnen
get angry, upset or
Lernen beginnen
get a problem off one's chest
Lernen beginnen
tell sb else about your problem
go to the dogs
Lernen beginnen
have the cheek
Lernen beginnen
dare to do sth
keep one's chin up
Lernen beginnen
not be discouraged
let sleeping dogs lie
Lernen beginnen
avoid mentioning a subject which could cause trouble
lost cause
Lernen beginnen
hopeless situation or case
off colour
Lernen beginnen
look/be slightly unwell
on the dole
Lernen beginnen
receiving unemployment benefit/social security
play one's cards right
Lernen beginnen
act cleverly
show one's true colours
Lernen beginnen
reveal one's real character
with flying colours
Lernen beginnen
with great success
not count one's chickens before they're hatched
Lernen beginnen
not assume sth before it happens
get out of hand
Lernen beginnen
become out of control
get the hang of it
Lernen beginnen
get in the habit of doing sth
go to one's head
Lernen beginnen
make conceited
uderzać do głowy
grey matter
Lernen beginnen
brains; intelligence
hand in glove with sb
Lernen beginnen
be in very close contact with sb
have a job to do sth
Lernen beginnen
find sth difficult to do
be dying for sth
Lernen beginnen
really want sth
be fit for
Lernen beginnen
be good enough for
be worn out
Lernen beginnen
be very tired
have many irons in the fire
Lernen beginnen
have lots of plans/possibilities in progress at the same time
have one's heart in one's mouth
Lernen beginnen
be extremely anxious about sth
have time on one's hands
Lernen beginnen
have free time
be green
Lernen beginnen
be inexperienced
cook one's goose
Lernen beginnen
end one's plans abruptly
fair and square
Lernen beginnen
within the rules
w granicach przepisów
fall head over heels
Lernen beginnen
fall in love quickly
feel one's ears burning
Lernen beginnen
have a feeling that sb is talking about you
Lernen beginnen
sb attending a party, event etc without an invitation
get off on the wrong foot
Lernen beginnen
argue or disagree at the beginning of a relationship
give and take
Lernen beginnen
have a frog in one's throat
Lernen beginnen
inability to speak due to nervousness
have the gift of the gab
Lernen beginnen
be able to talk well, persuasively
hear it through/on the grapevine
Lernen beginnen
find out information indirectly
in a flash
Lernen beginnen
very quickly
it's all Greek to me
Lernen beginnen
sth new or foreign; not easily understood
keep a straight face
Lernen beginnen
manage to look serious under difficult circumstances
keep an eye on sth
Lernen beginnen
guard/protect sth
hold one's horses
Lernen beginnen
wait, be patient
ill at ease
Lernen beginnen
embarrassed; uncomfortable
keep sth under one's hat
Lernen beginnen
keep sth secret
keep up with the Joneses
Lernen beginnen
compete with others in status/material goods
lend sb a hand
Lernen beginnen
give help to sb
like the back of one's hand
Lernen beginnen
be very familiar with sth
lose heart
Lernen beginnen
become discouraged
make head nor tail of
Lernen beginnen
understand sth
off the cuff
Lernen beginnen
without preparation
stew in one's own juice
Lernen beginnen
suffer the consequences of one's own actions
straight from the horse's mouth
Lernen beginnen
from the most direct source
have sb's hands full
Lernen beginnen
be very busy with sth
sth comes in handy
Lernen beginnen
be very useful/practical
strike gold
Lernen beginnen
come across sth useful
take sth to heart
Lernen beginnen
take personally/be influenced by
take to one's heels
Lernen beginnen
run away
the ins and outs
Lernen beginnen
the details of an activity
the tip of the iceberg
Lernen beginnen
small evident part of a much larger, concealed situation
meet behind closed doors
family member
Lernen beginnen
meet secretly ~! I; ml.'k~ one's flesh and blood
plenty more fish in the sea
free, not caught
Lernen beginnen
many more opportunities in life. at large
for love be in the know
Lernen beginnen
be well_informed
put one: s foot on
destroy, humble
Lernen beginnen
insist on sth bring to one's knees
put one's foot in it
Lernen beginnen
make a tactless comment
bury one's head in the sand
Lernen beginnen
avoid or ignore reality
take It easy
Lernen beginnen
not work too hard(relax responsibility
take sb for granted
reach a critical point
Lernen beginnen
not appreciate sb come to a head
a bit of a dark horse
Lernen beginnen
person with hidden abilities
drop sb a line
Lernen beginnen
send sb a letter
fine kettle of fish
Lernen beginnen
confused state of affairs
get rid of sth
Lernen beginnen
give sth unwanted away
go to any lengths
Lernen beginnen
do anything necessary to get sth you want
have kittens
Lernen beginnen
be nervous/anxious about sth
be for the high jump
Lernen beginnen
about to be reprimanded/punished
be in two minds about sth
Lernen beginnen
not be able to decide what to do
be sound asleep
Lernen beginnen
sleep deeply
be the perfect image of sb
Lernen beginnen
look exactly like sb
before one can say Jack Robinson
Lernen beginnen
extremely quickly
break the ice
Lernen beginnen
ease the tension when one first meets people
eat one's heart out
Lernen beginnen
feel jealous/sad about sth
flog a dead horse
Lernen beginnen
waste time doing sth useless
fly off the handle
Lernen beginnen
quickly become very angry
keep one's fingers crossed- hope that sth will turn out well
Lernen beginnen
keep one's fingers crossed- Hope that sth will turn out well
keep oneself to oneself
Lernen beginnen
live quietly, privately
make a killing
Lernen beginnen
have a sudden, great success/profit
make light of
Lernen beginnen
treat sth as unimportant
make/earn a/one's living
Lernen beginnen
earn money
on the level
Lernen beginnen
pull one's leg
Lernen beginnen
tease or trick sb
shed light upon
Lernen beginnen
give new/further information
sleep like a log
Lernen beginnen
be sound asleep
the life and soul of sth
Lernen beginnen
the most lively and amusing person present somewhere
the lion's share
Lernen beginnen
the biggest part/portion
turn over a new leaf
Lernen beginnen
make a new start
with a view to doing sth
Lernen beginnen
with the intention or hope of doing sth
~! I: r; mm. M" a night owl
Lernen beginnen
person who enjoys staying up late
be second to none
Lernen beginnen
be the best
cross one's mind
Lernen beginnen
occur to one, have a sudden idea, recall sth
cry over spilt milk
Lernen beginnen
grieve over sth that can't be put right
every nook and cranny
Lernen beginnen
feel/be down in the mouth
Lernen beginnen
feel discouraged/depressed
get a move on
Lernen beginnen
hurry up
get on one's nerves
Lernen beginnen
irritate/annoy sb
have an early night
Lernen beginnen
go to bed early
hit the nail on the head
Lernen beginnen
say exactly the right thing
in a nutshell
Lernen beginnen
briefly; in a few words
lose one's nerve
Lernen beginnen
lose courage
make a name for oneself
Lernen beginnen
become famous/respected for sth
make hay while the sun shines- take advantage of favourable circumstances
Lernen beginnen
make hay while the sun shines- take advantage of favorable Circumstances
make money hand over fist
Lernen beginnen
make a lot of money quickly and easily
make one's getaway
Lernen beginnen
moon around
Lernen beginnen
look miserable
null and void
Lernen beginnen
invalid; not legally binding
once in a blue moon
Lernen beginnen
very rarely
put sb's name forward
Lernen beginnen
nominate sb
put words into one's mouth
Lernen beginnen
pretend that sb has said sth that they haven't actually said
slip one's mind
Lernen beginnen
forget about sth
work a miracle
Lernen beginnen
make sth almost impossible happen
give the green light to sth
Lernen beginnen
give permission to proceed with sth
a bitter pill to swallow
Lernen beginnen
a difficult fact to accept
against all odds
Lernen beginnen
despite the difficulties
be out of practice
Lernen beginnen
lacking practice
come to the point
Lernen beginnen
reach the main point in a discussion
fall into place
Lernen beginnen
become clear
get the sack
Lernen beginnen
be dismissed from one's job
get the wrong end of the stick
Lernen beginnen
misunderstand completely what has been said
golden opportunity
Lernen beginnen
the best chance to gain sth
grease sb's palm
Lernen beginnen
bribe sb
grow out of sth
Lernen beginnen
become too big for sth
have no option but
Lernen beginnen
must; have no choice
in public
Lernen beginnen
in the presence of other people
in the offing
Lernen beginnen
likely to happen
off the point
Lernen beginnen
once and for all
Lernen beginnen
for the last time
Lernen beginnen
complete, total
out in the open
Lernen beginnen
(of secrets) revealed, known
out of print
Lernen beginnen
(of books) not available anymore
out of the frying pan into the fire
Lernen beginnen
from a situation to a worse/ similar one
part and parcel of
Lernen beginnen
basic part of
past one's prime
Lernen beginnen
growing old/not at one's best
pop the question
Lernen beginnen
make a proposal of marriage
short and sweet
Lernen beginnen
brief but pleasant (usu ironic)
status symbol
Lernen beginnen
property/possession that shows sb's high social rank wealth etc
take things to pieces
Lernen beginnen
dismantle things
throw a party
Lernen beginnen
have/hold a party
white elephant
person or thing that one has no experience of
Lernen beginnen
useless/unwanted possession an unknown quantity
as a last resort
Lernen beginnen
when all else has failed
at close quarters
Lernen beginnen
from a short distance
be in a quandary
Lernen beginnen
be confused; undecided
beg the question
Lernen beginnen
makes people want to ask a particular question
call it quits
Lernen beginnen
give up/stop
cut sb to the quick
Lernen beginnen
deeply hurt sb's feelings
hit the roof
Lernen beginnen
get very angry
in a rut
Lernen beginnen
be stuck in a monotonous routine
in the long run
Lernen beginnen
after a long period of time
it stands to reason
Lernen beginnen
it is logical
keep sth quiet
Lernen beginnen
keep sth secret
know the ropes
Lernen beginnen
know all the details of sth
off the record
Lernen beginnen
on the quiet
Lernen beginnen
open to debate
Lernen beginnen
not decided/settled
out of the question
Lernen beginnen
put down roots
Lernen beginnen
settle down
work to rule
Lernen beginnen
adhere strictly to the rules as a form of protest
rack sb's brains
Lernen beginnen
think very hard about sth
by a long shot
Lernen beginnen
a wild guess/ a risk
a memory like a sieve
Lernen beginnen
a poor memory
be all at sea
Lernen beginnen
be in a state of confusion
be in sb's shoes
Lernen beginnen
be in sb's position
be in the same boat
Lernen beginnen
be in the same (usu bad) situation
be the spitting image of sb
Lernen beginnen
look exactly like sb
be/get soaked to the skin
Lernen beginnen
be/get very wet
be/have a close shave
Lernen beginnen
barely avoid an accident/ a bad situation
behind the scenes
Lernen beginnen
in secret
come out of one's shell
Lernen beginnen
gain personal confidence
does it show?
Lernen beginnen
is it obvious?
give sb the slip
Lernen beginnen
escape from sb
go for a song
Lernen beginnen
be sold very cheaply
go without saying
Lernen beginnen
be a foregone conclusion
hit the sack
Lernen beginnen
go to bed
live out of a suitcase
Lernen beginnen
travel often/not have a permanent home
make quite a scene
Lernen beginnen
become angry in a dramatic way
on a shoe string
Lernen beginnen
on a very small budget
pull a few strings
Lernen beginnen
use influential contacts in order to obtain an advantage
pull one's socks up
Lernen beginnen
make a greater effort
sleep on it
Lernen beginnen
think about sth
smell a rat
Lernen beginnen
suspect that sth is wrong
spill the beans
Lernen beginnen
reveal a secret/the facts
stand in sb's way
Lernen beginnen
prevent sb from doing sth
take ... with a pinch of salt
Lernen beginnen
not believe sth completely
drive (sb) up the wall
Lernen beginnen
make sb angry/annoy sb
frosty welcome
Lernen beginnen
unfriendly reception
get out of bed on the wrong side
Lernen beginnen
be in a bad mood
get wind of
Lernen beginnen
receive information about sth indirectly
give vent to
Lernen beginnen
express sth freely
give way to
Lernen beginnen
give in/yield
not hold water
Lernen beginnen
not seem reasonable or in accordance with the facts
make a Aying visit
Lernen beginnen
make a quick trip
make waves
Lernen beginnen
cause trouble
no/little wonder
Lernen beginnen
not surprising
qUick/slow on the uptake
Lernen beginnen
quick/slow to understand
set in one's ways
Lernen beginnen
fixed in one's habits/routines
speak volumes
Lernen beginnen
be strong evidence of sb's feelings, merits etc
under the weather
Lernen beginnen
up and coming
Lernen beginnen
likely to be successful
ups and downs
Lernen beginnen
good things alternating with bad ones
wet behind the ears
Lernen beginnen
the last straw
Lernen beginnen
the last and worst episode in a chain of bad experiences
Lernen beginnen
an old wives' tale
Lernen beginnen
false belief (usually about health)
(by) trial and error
Lernen beginnen
learning from one's mistakes
be ahead of one's time
Lernen beginnen
have modern ideas
be (as) thick (as a brick)
Lernen beginnen
be stupid
be tickled pink
Lernen beginnen
be really pleased
come to a standstill
Lernen beginnen
not progress/stop
come to terms with
Lernen beginnen
accept a difficult situation
for the time being
Lernen beginnen
in a tick
Lernen beginnen
shortly, soon
in the nick of time
Lernen beginnen
just in time
kill time
Lernen beginnen
pass time while waiting for sb/sth
lay the table
Lernen beginnen
prepare/set the table for a meal
not be one's cup of tea
Lernen beginnen
not suit one's taste
on second thoughts
Lernen beginnen
having changed one's mind
out of turn
Lernen beginnen
not in the correct order/time
paint the town red
Lernen beginnen
have a great time
play truant
Lernen beginnen
stay away from school without permission
put two and two together
Lernen beginnen
arrive at the truth by looking at facts
red tape
Lernen beginnen
unnecessary bureaucracy
take one's time
Lernen beginnen
not to hurry
through thick and thin
Lernen beginnen
whatever happens
touch and go
Lernen beginnen
with uncertain result
be all very well
Lernen beginnen
appear satisfactory but in fact not be
be on the up and up
Lernen beginnen
improve steadily
be up and about
Lernen beginnen
have recovered from an illness
be born yesterday
Lernen beginnen
be easily deceived/naive
beat sb black and blue
Lernen beginnen
hit sb repeatedly until bruised
go back on one's word
Lernen beginnen
not fulfil a promise (opp: keep one's word)
have a yellow streak
Lernen beginnen
be a coward
not have it both ways
Lernen beginnen
refuse to make a decision between
two pleasant things (usu in expression "You can't have it both ways! ")
Lernen beginnen
two pleasant things (usu in expression "You can not have it both ways!")
in the red
Lernen beginnen
owe money to a bank (opp: in the black)
see red
Lernen beginnen
suddenly become very angry
green belt
Lernen beginnen
the area on the outskirts of a town adjoining the country
pitch black
Lernen beginnen
very dark
black tie
Lernen beginnen
formal clothing
green with envy
Lernen beginnen
very jealous
green (matter/issue)
Lernen beginnen
concerned with ecology
have words with sb
Lernen beginnen
have an argument
have/keep one's wits about one
Lernen beginnen
be alert and able to deal with difficulties
in deep water
Lernen beginnen
in trouble/difficulty
make sb's day
Lernen beginnen
make sb very happy
see/look at sth through rose-coloured spectacles
Lernen beginnen
see sth from an unrealistically positive point of view
the black sheep of the family
Lernen beginnen
a disgraced family member
the pot calling the kettle black
Lernen beginnen
accusing sb of a fault one has oneself
the year dot
Lernen beginnen
a long time ago
until one is blue in the face
Lernen beginnen
as hard/long as one possibly can (usu without success)
red herring
Lernen beginnen
sth which distracts you from sth important
like cat and dog ~ (disagree) violently ~a pain in the neck ~ annoying person/thing
Lernen beginnen
like cat and dog ~ (disagree) violently ~ a pain in the neck ~ annoying person / thing
(like) a bull in a china shop
be awkward, clumsy
Lernen beginnen
behave in a clumsy/awkward be all fingers and thumbs
way get cold feet
Lernen beginnen
lose courage to do sth
make a dog's dinner (of sth)
ignore/shun sb
Lernen beginnen
(make) a mess (of sth) give sb the cold shoulder
a bear with a sore head
Lernen beginnen
irritated/in a bad mood
have a cheek/nerve
Lernen beginnen
act/speak boldly or impudently
a different kettle of fish
Lernen beginnen
a totally different situation etc from the one just mentioned
have a sharp tongue
Lernen beginnen
tend to say unkind or hurtful things
the one just mentioned have an eye for
Lernen beginnen
be a good judge of sth
a dog's life
Lernen beginnen
a difficult, hard life
look down one's nose at sth/sb
Lernen beginnen
feel/act superior to sb
a fish out of water
Lernen beginnen
sb who feels uncomfortable/in unfamiliar surroundings
lose one's head
Lernen beginnen
lose self-control
surroundings put one's heart and soul into sth
Lernen beginnen
be devoted to sth
a red rag to a bull
Lernen beginnen
action, comment etc liable to provoke sb
tongue in cheek
Lernen beginnen
not serious, ironic
a sitting duck
Lernen beginnen
an easy target tooth and nail
as busy as a bee/a busy bee
Lernen beginnen
(sb) very busy turn a blind eye to sth
as the crow Aies
Lernen beginnen
in a direct line/by a direct route
not lose any sleep over sth
Lernen beginnen
not worry about sth
be in the doghouse
Lernen beginnen
be out of favour, in trouble
jack of all trades
Lernen beginnen
sb who is able to do a variety of jobs
dog eat dog
Lernen beginnen
ruthless competition, rivalry
a storm in a teacup
Lernen beginnen
a lot of fuss about sth that is not
Lernen beginnen
(of books) with the corners bent and turned down through use
bring sth home to sb
Lernen beginnen
make sb understand how important/ serious sth is
donkey work
Lernen beginnen
boring, monotonous work
donkey's years
Lernen beginnen
a long time
bite off more than sb can chew
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try to do sth which is too difficult
kill two birds with one stone
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achieve two things with one
action in clover
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living a luxurious/comfortable life
let the cat out of the bag
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reveal a secret
face the music
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be criticised/punished for sth you have done
like water off a duck's back
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having no effect
make a fool of oneself
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make oneself look stupid/embarrassed/ ridiculous
make a mountain out of a molehill
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cause a fuss about a trivial matter
no room to swing a cat
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no room at all
play cat and mouse with sb
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keep sb in a state of uncertain expectation treating them alternatively cruelly and kindly
put the cat among the pigeons
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cause trouble/controversy
rain cats and dogs
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rain heavily
swim like a fish
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swim very well
talk the hind legs off a donkey
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talk for a long time, uninterrupted
the rat race
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the competitive nature of modern urban life
until the cows come home
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for a long time
mutton dressed as lamb
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dress in a style younger than/inappropriate to your age
sour grapes
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say unpleasant comments because of jealousy
sweet tooth
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enjoy eating sweet things
get nowhere fast
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make no/little progress
pay sb's way
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contribute your share of a bill/budget
white-collar job
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office/clerical work
fly on the wall
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see/hear sth in a situation which does not involve you
Achilles heel
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weakest point of sb's character
wash sb's hands of sb
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refuse to be involved with sb

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