Glossary 4 sem SRy 24-30

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Interference, n
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Physical phenomenon, when two or more coherent waves adds up
Film, n
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A thin matter, that covers smth
Diffraction, n
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physical phenomenon when light or other waves bend around the obstacle
Grating, n
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Parallel and perpendicular thin sticks, that together form a grating
Polarization, n
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Physical phenomenon when light intensity vector oscillate in a certain direction
Scattering, n
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Physical phenomenon, when waves close to each other diverge far from each other
Absorption, n
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Physical phenomenon, when matter eat other matter or waves
Relativity, n
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Term, that define relationships between different things
Special relativity, n
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A theory describing the mechanics laws of at speeds close to the speed of light
Общая ТО
General relativity, n
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The theory of gravity, which describes gravity as a manifestation of the geometry of space-time
Simultaneity, n
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A moment in time when two or more actions occur
Замедление времени
Time dilation, n
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physical phenomenon, when body traveled by speed that close to the speed of light, feels time on another way
Permeate, v
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Action that arise when small particle enters in a body
Compatible, adj
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It means that different bodies or devices able to work with each other
Quantum (pl. quanta), n
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The indivisible part in physics
Illuminate, v
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Make smth visible by light
Hypothesis (pl. hypotheses), n
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Assumption about smth in science
Cavity, n
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Absence of matter inside the body
Resonator, n
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An oscillating system in which oscillation energy is accumulated due to resonance with a driving force
Тормозное излучение
Bremsstrahlung, n
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A shock wave of light that is generated when charged particles "get stuck" in a solid
Принцип неопределенности
Uncertainty principle
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Physical principle that states that it’s impossible to know the exact position of point
Spectrum (pl. spectra), n
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The intensity of light as it varies with frequency
Nucleus (pl. nuclei), n
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Middle part of an atom
Радиус Бора
Bohr radius, n
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The most probable distance between a nucleus and an electron in a hydrogen atom
Возбужденное состояние
Excited state, n
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Quantum state of the system that has a higher energy than the basic state
Diode, n
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Device that used in electric circuits. It’s capable of passing electrons in one the direction but can’t do the same in the another direction
Uranium, n
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chemical element number 238
Bombard, v
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Fire particles of one substance with another
Fission, n
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Nuclear reaction in which an atomic nucleus splits into two or more smaller nuclei
Decay, n
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Natural process of a radioactive atom undergoing a spontaneous change, leading to the transformation of its nucleus
Neutrino, n
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subatomic particle that is very similar to an electron, but has no electrical charge and a very small mass
Isotope, n
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varieties of atoms of a chemical element that have the same atomic number, but at the same time different mass numbers
Полураспад/Время полураспада
Half-life, n
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When half of the total number of given atoms decays, this is called the half-life
Quark, n
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Quark is the smallest known particle
Lepton, n
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Elementary particle that does not undergo strong interactions
Ядерный реактор
Nuclear reactor, n
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High-efficiency device that is used to generate enormous amount of energy
Fusion, n
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Physical process when atoms under great pressure and temperature transform to another atom with higher mass
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Antiparticles, n
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subatomic particle possessing the equivalent mass as its normal particle counterpart, but with the opposite magnetic moment and electric charge
Tokamak, n
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toroidal installation for magnetic plasma retention
Collider, n
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A device that accelerates particles to a speed close to the speed of light

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