Glossary 4 sem SRY. 15-23

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Электрический заряд
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electric charge, n. Physical property of matter, that causes attraction while placed in an electromagnetic field
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Electron, n. Stable negatively charged elementary particle
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Proton, n Stable positively charged elementary particle. The electric charge of an proton is equal to absolute electrons charge
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Conductor, n A matter that conduct electricity
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Insulator, n A matter, that hinder the free flow of electrons between particles of system
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Grounded, adj A process by which charges are transferred from a device to the earth
Закон Кулона
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Coulomb’s law Physical law that describe the force of interaction between point electric charges, depending on the distance between them
Электрическое поле
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electric field, n The field that surrounds electrically charged particles
Электрический потенциал
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electric potential, n The amount of work energy needed per unit of electric charge to move this charge from one point to another
Разность потенциалов
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potential difference, n Electrical voltage between points A and B
Механическая энегрия
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mechanical energy, n The sum of potential and kinetic energies
Эквипотенциальные линии
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equipotential line, n Lines where the voltage does not change when moving
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Capacitor, n Device that stores electrical energy
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Capacitance, n Capacitance is a measure of an object’s ability to store electrical charge when a potential difference (voltage) is applied across it
Электрический ток
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electric current, n The flow of charged particles
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Ampere, n The unit of measurement of electric current in the SI
Дрейфовая скорость
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drift velocity, n The average velocity of particle motion acquired as a result of exposure to an electric field
Закон Ома
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Ohm’s law, n Electrical current flowing through any conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference between its ends
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Resistance, n Object’s ability to oppose the influence of external forces acting upon it
Простая схема
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simple circuit, n A simple electrical circuit consists of three main elements: a current source wiring, and an electrical load
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Ferromagnetic adj, n Substances that form permanent magnets or attracted to magnets
Домен, область
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Domain, n Particles that randomly oriented in an unmagnetized ferromagnetic object
Магнитные монополи
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magnetic monopoles, n A hypothetical elementary particle with a nonzero magnetic charge
Магнитное поле
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magnetic field, n Vector field that describes the magnetic influence on moving electric charges
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Tesla, n Unit of magnetic flux density in the SI
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Gauss, n Unit of measurement of magnetic induction
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Ray, n Beam of light or radiation
Закон отражения
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law of reflection, n Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
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Refraction, n Bending of a wave when it passes from one medium to another
Коэффициент преломления
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index of refraction, n Ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and the speed of light in a given material
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Dispersion, n Dependence of a physical quantity on the frequency of a wave
Собирающая линза
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converging lens, n A piece of glass that collect all parallel rays in one point
Рассеивающая линза
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diverging lens, n A piece of glass that scatters all parallel rays
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focal point, n Point in space at which light incident towards the mirror and traveling parallel to the principal axis will meet after refraction
Фокусное расстояние
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focal length, n Unit of measurement of how strongly the system converges or diverges light
Реальное изображение
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real image, n Image that arise on the opposite side of the rays hitting the lens
Мнимое изображение
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virtual image, n Image that arise on the side of the rays hitting the lens

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