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Lernen beginnen
to cut obcinać, redukować Top stars axed from soap.
Lernen beginnen
to support wspierać, popierać Fans back Chelsea menager after clash with owner.
Lernen beginnen
make illegal zakazać, zabronić Move to ban cars from town centre.
Lernen beginnen
an attempt oferta, poprosić GPs in bid to ban smoking.
Lernen beginnen
a bomb explosion eksplozja, wybuch A blast killed ten people.
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a fire wielki pożar Man, 90, dies in a blaze.
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increase zwiększenie Goverment move to boost pensions.
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money pieniądze Fun run raises money for homeless.
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a menager, head dyrektor, szef, naczelnik Bank chief to quit.
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an argument kłótnia, pokłócić się I had a clash with my mum.
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police officer glina, policjant The cop continued to stare at him.
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to damage uderzać, bić Blasts hit UN bid for peace.
Lernen beginnen
to be about to happen wyłaniać się, majaczyć, widnieć Supermarket price war looms, warns economist.
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action torwards a goal działać, zadziałać Move to ban cars from town centre.
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a request apel, wołanie, błaganie Royal couple in privacy plea.
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Prime Minister premier PM forced out in corruption scandal.
Lernen beginnen
promise przyrzeczenie, obietnica, ślubowanie Tax cut pledged by PM
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an investigation dochodzenie, śledztwo There was a mystery to be probed here.
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to resign rzucać (np. palenie), odchodzić (np. z pracy) Bank chief to quit.
Lernen beginnen
mystery zagadka, łamigłówka Cop solves riddle of missing painting.
Lernen beginnen
soap opera telenowela, opera mydlana Top stars axed from soap.
Lernen beginnen
to cause, set off wywołać, wywoływać Death at hotel sparks police investigation.
Lernen beginnen
an increase wzrost (np. cen, zainteresowania) Sudden surge in women who wed after 30.
Lernen beginnen
most important najważniejszy Top stars axed from soap opera.
Lernen beginnen
get married poślubić (kogoś), pobrać się (z kimś) Sudden increase in women who wed after 30.