glossary, unit 5

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Redukcje, cięcia (np. zwalnianie pracowników)
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Axe= to fire somebody
My old company axed me after they found out I had been sleeping on the job.
Wspierać, popierać kogoś
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Back= to support somebody
His brother will back him if he needs financing.
Zakazać, zabronić czegoś
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Ban= to make something illegal
In Los Angeles, there is a ban on smoking in restaurants.
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Bid= an attempt
They made no bid to escape
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Blast= a bomb explosion
The blast killed several people and blinded Chandrika in one eye.
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Blaze= a bright flame or fire
Fueled by wind and low humidity; the blaze charred dozens of acres.
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Boost= to increase; raise
The additional hard disk will boost our storage capacity by 20 GB.
Pieniądze, gotówka
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Cash= money in the form of coins or banknotes, especially that issued by a government.
We don't have enought cash to buy it.
Szef, naczelny
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Chief= the head or leader of an organized body of people
According to the local police chief, this is not true.
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Clash= to conflict; disagree
Youths clashed with police in the streets around the football ground.
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Cop= police officer
I know this cop on the Calgary Police Force - he's a nice guy.
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Hit= to damage
The car hit the tree.
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Loom= to be about to happen
Exams are looming for many students.
Działać, podjąć działanie
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Move= an action toward an objective or goal; step
The goverment take a move toward a higher tax.
Apel, wołanie
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Plea= an appeal or entreaty
We could not reject his plea.
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PM= Prime Minister
Urgent decisions may be taken by the Prime Minister alone or in consultation with key ministers.
Zobowiązanie, przyrzeczenie
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Pledge= a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something
The Government should fulfil its 1979 Manifesto pledge.
Śledztwo, dochodzenie
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Probe= an investigation, especially by a legislative committee, of suspected illegal activity.
The company's tax situation was rigorously probed by revenue officials.
Rezygnować, opuszczać
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Quit= to give up or resign; let go; relinquish
He quit his claim to the throne. She quit her job.
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Riddle= a puzzling question, problem, or matter.
That's a great riddle that I must solve.
Opera mydlana
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Soap= a radio or television series depicting the interconnected lives of many characters often in a sentimental, melodramatic way.
Many families have drama and cats play an important role in keeping the soap.
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Spark= to cause, set off
You say things to spark a fuller reply.
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Surge= a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush, or sweep
After I heard the results I suddenly felt a surge of enthusiasm and wanted to learn even more.
Znakomity, na najwyższym poziomie
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Top= the uppermost or upper part, surface, etc., of anything
This issue tops the agenda of negotiations.
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Wed= to marry (another person) in a formal ceremony.
The newly wed couple usually leave the ceremony to the sound of bagpipes.

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