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emancypacja, wyzwolenie (np. kobiet, niewolników) Lernen beginnen
It granted property rights to peasants. The Emancipation Reform of 1861 in Russia was the first and most important of the liberal reforms enacted during the reign (1855–1881) of Emperor Alexander II of Russia. The reform effectively abolished serfdom throughout the Russian Empire.
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a person or thing that produces a particular effect or change. An agent is also a chemical substance, organism, or natural force that produces a particular effect by its action. Name four agents which contributed to the start of the battle. Many agents caused the spread of the epidemic in Europe. The teacher asked me to list five agents. He was the agent of their destruction.
okaz, osobnik, egzemplarz, próbka Lernen beginnen
something shown or examined as an example; a typical example: epitome of Museums will pay large amounts of money for good dinosaur fossil specimens. Astronauts brought back specimens of moon rock. He has a collection of rare insect specimens.
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a country that partly controls another country, or the ruler of such a country As the Transvaal’s suzerain power, it would have been England’s duty to try to avert bloodshed. The Hapsburgs were suzerains of the country, but they treated the inhabitants as free men.
przezorny, roztropny, bprzewidujący Lernen beginnen
providential, prudent making arrangements for future needs, especially by saving money
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to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually larger, group, or organization: You have to earn your affiliation in our club. Affiliation to this union means that you cannot conduct any business outside its boundaries.
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to get a metal from rock by heating it to a very high temperature, or to melt objects made from metal in order to use the metal to make something new
przywłaszczenie; przyznanie, przeznaczenie (np. funduszy) Lernen beginnen
the act of taking something for your own use, usually without permission Imperialism is no less than occupation, appropriation and subjugation. In 2008 an appropriation of EUR 285 million will be made to the common foreign and security policy. The author objected to the appropriation of his story by an amateur filmmaker.
prowincja, dziura (mała miejscowość), stojąca woda Lernen beginnen
a part of a river where the water does not flow: a place that does not change because it is not influenced by new ideas or events that happen in other places He grew up in a rural backwater. We tied the boat up in a quiet backwater overnight.
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a law or rule made by a government or authority: City Ordinance 126 forbids the parking of cars in this area.
program partii politycznej Lernen beginnen
political party program. a secret aim or reason for doing something: She felt that some of the group had an agenda. There's no hidden agenda - I'm just trying to help.
prawomocność, moc prawną, zasadność, słuszność Lernen beginnen
Some experts questioned the validity of the president’s ideas.
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of a form of writing used for over 3,000 years until the 1st century BC in the ancient countries of Western Asia Scholars were only just figuring out how to read cuneiform. Many of the early archaeologists were obsessed by the struggle to decipher cuneiform.
beneficjum (dożywotnie prawo do czerpania dochodów, związanych z piastowaniem danego urzędu kościelnego) Lernen beginnen
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a dark brown substance like soil that was formed by plants dying and becoming buried. It is sometimes added to ordinary garden soil to improve it and is sometimes used as fuel. peat roofs on houses in Norway are a typical element of a local landscape which you may spot while touring the country.
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hermit a person who lives alone and avoids going outside or talking to other people: He is a millionaire recluse who refuses to give interviews.
odciskać, wyciskać (odbicie); odbicie; zmusić do wojska Lernen beginnen
The impress of ink was visible through the page. She impressed her hands on the sand. She's left an impress of her lips on my mirror. He has to hide because they want to impress him.
bić monety, mennica; wymyśleć, stworzyć coś nowego Lernen beginnen
to produce something new, especially to invent a new phrase or word: something that is in mint condition looks or works almost like it is new: We can't mint any more coins. The mint has released a set of special coins for this event. To get a good sale price, both the record and its cover should be in mint condition.
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a pointed tool for making small holes in wood or leather Needles and awls were highly polished and frequently heat-treated for added strength.
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a part of a machine around which something turns, or a rod onto which thread is twisted when it is spun (= made by twisting)
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without someone's official permission to do something or be in a particular place: Unauthorized personnel are not admitted beyond this point.
sklepienie (np. żebrowe); skarbiec, skrytka; krypta; SKOCZYĆ Lernen beginnen
a type of arch that supports a roof or ceiling, especially in a church or public building, or a ceiling or roof supported by several of these arches The vault in the chamber is cracked. He was observing the vault of the heaven. She wants to see you tonight in the family vault. He vaulted over the fence
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a substance composed of two or more metals or of a metal and a nonmetal intimately united usually by being fused together and dissolving in each other when molten an ethnic alloy of many peoples. a part made of aluminum alloy
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work constructed so as to show openings through its substance: work that is perforated or pierced
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a companion of a queen, king, or other ruler in their official home, especially in the past Many of the courtiers were strongly wedded to traditional ways of doing things.
być przywiązanym do czegoś, oddanym sprawie Lernen beginnen
My country is strongly wedded to the tradition of mountain hiking.
system żarowy (rolniczy system użytkownika roli) Lernen beginnen
slash-and-burn farming / cultivation Therefore, the role of slash-and-burn is significant in the current Holocene extinction.
naprzeciwko; jeśli chodzi o; w związku z Lernen beginnen
in comparison with. in relation to I need to speak to you vis-à-vis our project. What worries us is the competitive edge that foreign companies have vis-à-vis British firms.
zapora (ogniowa), ogień zaporowy, krzyżowy ogień pytań, lawina (np. krytyki, pytań) Lernen beginnen
the action of continuously firing large guns to protect soldiers advancing on an enemy. a great number of complaints, criticisms, or questions suddenly directed at someone. a structure that is built across a river to provide water for farming an artillery barrage. The TV station has received a barrage of complaints about the amount of violence in the series. The proposed tidal barrage would generate enough electricity to supply 80,000 homes.
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a formal agreement between two countries or groups at war to stop fighting for a particular time, especially to talk about possible peace: truce A two-week armistice has been declared between the rival factions.
nakaz (np. sumienia, rozumu); dyktować, dyktat, rozkaz Lernen beginnen
I felt it more as a dictate than an actual order. I wasn't asking, it was a dictate.
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wylot lufy, kaganiec, pysk zwierzęcia Lernen beginnen
the mouth and nose of an animal, especially a dog. a covering put over an animal's nose and mouth in order to prevent it from biting. the end of a gun barrel, where the bullets come out: The dog is white with a black muzzle and ears. He rubbed the muzzle of a horse when it nosed up to him. Aggressive breeds must wear muzzles when they are taken off their owners' properties. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.
ewentualność, nieprzewidziany wypadek Lernen beginnen
something that might possibly happen in the future, usually causing problems or making further arrangements necessary. eventuality You must be able to deal with all possible contingencies. Have you made any contingency plans?
hoża, dorodna (o kobiecej piersi) Lernen beginnen
(of a woman) healthy-looking and slightly fat, with large breasts
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the forceful expression of strong feelings She argued with such vehemence against the proposal that they decided to abandon it. "No!" she said with sudden vehemence. Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.
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drobny właściciel ziemski (rolnik w Wielkiej Brytanii posiadający własną ziemię); "wojak" Lernen beginnen
a person who owns and cultivates a small farm specifically: one belonging to a class of English freeholders below the gentry I knew enough to position myself at the back, next to another yeoman
torować drogę dla, umożliwić coś Lernen beginnen
to make it possible or easier for something or someone to follow Data from the space flight should pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.
przeciwnie, niekorzystnie, wrogo, szkodliwie Lernen beginnen
in a way that has a negative or harmful effect: A lot of companies have been adversely affected by the recession. The film was never meant to reflect adversely on the small city where it was made.
ordalia (procesy sądowe, w których o winie lub niewinności miały decydować tzw. próby boże) Lernen beginnen
mniejszość Lernen beginnen
The shopping assistant didn't sell him the beer, because of his minority.
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The city's main water artery goes under this street.
dziewica, panna (literacko) Lernen beginnen
shirtless vikings carrying damsels up the castle stairs
dziwna wojna (Francji i Anglii z Niemcami na początku II wojny światowej) Lernen beginnen
This was during the phoney war, before the fighting on land and air had begun.
analiza zdarzenia post factum, perspektywa czasowa, spóźniony refleks, mądrość po fakcie Lernen beginnen
Such an examination, with the benefit of hindsight, is very instructive. This is an opportunity that we should be supporting, not just reacting to in hindsight.
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My name, at present, is a very usual and rather plebeian one - Simpson.
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For information about other consular services to Americans abroad go to our home page
rycerz biorący udział w walce na kopie, uczestnik turnieju Lernen beginnen
joust with someone. verbal joust
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What would you have done if the boat had capsized?
w historii (w dotychczasowych rejestrach); oficjalnie Lernen beginnen
She has announced on the record that no money was stolen. He is also the first person on record to describe the midnight sun
rozpowszechnienie, rozpropagowanie, ogłoszenie, obwieszczenie Lernen beginnen
the process of spreading beliefs or ideas among a lot of people: the public announcement of something, especially a new law He defended the promulgation of alternative viewpoints. People should have a right to use the public airwaves for the promulgation of ideas. The Secretary is authorized to take actions that include the promulgation of rules and regulations.
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Spór o inwestyturę, Investiturstriden Lernen beginnen
mistrz stajni/główny stajenny Lernen beginnen
forma schronienia wykorzystywana przez rzymską armię do ochrony przed atakiem z góry, żółw Lernen beginnen
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You will know how to work within a budget, be numerate and have good computing skills.
sztuka rządzenia państwem Lernen beginnen
At any rate, it was simply statecraft on my part. She had a way with all men, and was gaining in statecraft each day.
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supremacy When his brother Oswald was killed in 642, the overlordship died with him.
środki utrzymania, środki do życia Lernen beginnen
(the way someone earns) the money people need to pay for food, a place to live, clothing, etc Many ship workers could lose their livelihoods because of falling orders for new ships. That farm is his livelihood.
sytuacja, w której nie wiadomo, co stanowi przyczynę, a co skutek Lernen beginnen
a chicken and egg situation a situation in which it is impossible to say which of two things existed first and which caused the other one This being the case, what we have is a chicken and egg situation, in which the chicken is probably political and the egg is probably economic.
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a small crown (= a circular decoration for the head) with jewels in it
bagatelizować, umniejszać Lernen beginnen
to describe something in a way that makes it seem less important, serious, bad, etc. than it really is: She believes the research understates the amount of discrimination women suffer.
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You see that sort of handwriting in medieval papal bulls.
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cubit - odległości
tkanina tkana ręcznie; prosty, zwyczajny (wyznania) Lernen beginnen
(of beliefs, theories, etc.) simple and ordinary: homespun philosophy/wisdom. A short middle-aged man in brown homespun had opened the door.
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Our own political experts sensed a scorched-earth strategy emerging on the Right.
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be a testimony of something