IB dictionary part 1

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abiotic factor
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a non-biological factor (eg. temperature) that is part of the environment of an organism
abscisic acid
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a plant growth substance tending to inhibit growth
absorption spectrum
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range of a pigment's ability to absorb various wavelengths of light
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a neurotransmitter, liberated at synapses in the CNS
acid rain
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the coctail of chemical pollutants that may occur in the atmosphere
action potential
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rapid change (depolarisation) in membrane potential of an excitable cell (eg. a neurone)
action spectrum
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range of wavelengths of light within which a process like photosynthesis takes place
activation energy
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energy a substrate molecule must have before it can undergo a chemical change
active site
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region of enzyme molecule where substrate molecule binds
active transport
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movement of substances across a membrane involving a carrier protein and energy from respiration
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a purine organic base, found in the coenzymes ATP and NADP, and in nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) in which it pairs with tymine
adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
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a nucleotide, present in every living cell, made of adenosine and two phosphate groups linked in series, and important in energy transport reactions of metabolism
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
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a nucleotide, present in every living cell, formed in photosynthesis and respiration from ADP and Pp and functioning in metabolism as a common intermediate between energy-requiring and energy-yielding reactions

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