Lekcja 07

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przewidywać, wyobrażać sobie -to imagine sth that you think might happen in the future, especially sth good
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zawalić się-fall down suddenly
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zniknąć-disappear suddenly-
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miedziane rury
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copper pipes
instalacja elektryczna, okablowanie-the network of wires that form the electrical system in a building
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samodzielne / zwykłe złoża
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independent / regular bed/mere seams (mije)
rudawe skały
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reddish rocks
skamieniałości-an animal or plant that lived many thousands of years ago and that has been preserved in rock
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sculpture made of bronze
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bronze sculpture
zniszczyć w procesie erozji-destroy sth in the process of erosion
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erode (i'rołd)
break apart into lots of pieces-rozpaść się, popaść w ruinę
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jungles made of asphalt
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asphalt jungles
powracać do czegoś
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return to something, revert
kwitnąć-to develop well and be successful=thrive
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large brown insects which live in dirty kitchens
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pozbawiony-to be completely lacking in something
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be devoid of sth (di'wojd)-
umrzeć, rozkładać, niszczeć, psuć się-die, especially in a terrible or sudden way
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uwieczniać-make sb or sth famous for a long time, especially by writing about them, painting a picture of them
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immortalise (o'mortelajs)
fundamenty, podstawy
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foundations (fałdejszyns) bases
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