lekcja 4

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Lernen beginnen
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dopasowywanie/ a small part that you connect to something
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wózek widłowy
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kupa/ a large pile of something
loading bay
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loading bay/ an area form which things can be loaded
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gubić/ to lose smth for a time, especially because you cant remember where you put it
night shift
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nocna zmiana
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Lernen beginnen
lean business has a fiew workers and spends as little money as possible so thay will make a good profit
how the materials, investments or labour are managed
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resource managment
a flaw in a product which is due to it being poorly designed
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design fault
constantly improving the product and process
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continous improving
the accepted norm in particular field of business
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industry standard
defined targets to measure improvments in qulity
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qulity standarts
compulsory rules imposed by the government
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statutory requirement

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