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Frage Antworten
Quel livre veux-tu? > Lequel veux-tu?
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Which book do you want? > Which one do you want?
Je veux la pomme là-bas. > Laquelle?
Lernen beginnen
I want the apple over there. > Which one?
Je pense à mon frère. > Auquel penses-tu? [À quel frère...]
Lernen beginnen
I'm thinking about my brother. > Which one are you thinking about?
Le livre dans lequel j'ai écrit...
Lernen beginnen
The book in which I wrote...
La ville à laquelle je songe...
Lernen beginnen
The town about which I'm dreaming...
Le cinéma près duquel j'ai mangé...
Lernen beginnen
The theater near which I ate... / The theater I ate near...
lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles
Lernen beginnen
Basic forms:
auquel, à laquelle, auxquels, auxquelles
Lernen beginnen
Forms of à + lequel:
duquel, de laquelle, desquels, desquelles
Lernen beginnen
Forms of de + lequel:
Il y a cinq témoins, lesquels témoins vont arriver demain.
Very formal
Lernen beginnen
There are five witnesses, which witnesses will arrive tomorrow.
Vous payerez 500 $, laquelle somme sera...
Very formal
Lernen beginnen
You will pay $500, which sum will be...
Il est possible que le défendeur tue encore, auquel cas...
Very formal
Lernen beginnen
It's possible that the defendent will kill again, in which case...

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