Matasek Idioms

 0    10 Datenblatt    martynika
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owijać w bawełnę, mówić ogródkami
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beat about the bush
to daydream; to make plans that can never come true
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build castles in the air
Ann spends most of her time building castles in Spain. I really like to sit on the porch in the evening, just building castles in the air.
to chat or gossip
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chew the rag
niepotrzebnie tracić czas i energię na straconą sprawę
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beat a dead horse
Do you think it's worth sending my manuscript to other publishers or I am just beating a dead horse?
coś ma sens, coś się trzyma kupy
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sth holds water
Your explanation doesn't hold water.
zapomnieć o urazach, co było to było
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let bygones be bygones
stanąć na wysokości zadania, osiągnąć coś
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make the grade
He wanted to get into medical school but he failed to make the grade.
zaszaleć, zrobić rundkę po knajpach
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paint the town red
Jack finished his exams today so he's gone out to paint the town red.
pospieszyć się, ruszyć się
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shake a leg
wyrazić pisemną zgodę
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sign on the dotted line

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