moduł 3

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paplać o
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bang on about
Please stop banging on about politics
uspokoić się
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calm down
A cup of tea helped to calm her down
zamknąć się w sobie
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close up
Every time I ask John about it he just closes up
sprawić wrażenie/dać się poznać
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come across as
He came across as being rather arrogant during the interview
wpaść do kogoś
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to drop in
We dropped in on my sister on our way back
wylecieć z
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drop out off
It is surprising how many students drop out before their final exams
zaciąć się w mówieniu
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dry up
It was so embarrasing, I dried up completly
zakończyć na
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end up
We were going to eat out, but we ended up getting a takeaway
pokłócić się
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fall out with
Bob has fallen out with his girlfriend again
dotrzeć do kogoś
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get across to
How can we get our message across to the public effectively?
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go on
Go on, have a biscuit!
przypatrzeć się/zbadać
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look at
You should get a doctor to look at that cut
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put down
Don't put your girlfriend down in front of other people all the time
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talk over
Let's talk it over before we ring her back
wyrzucić kogoś z pracy
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throw someone out of work
Tim was thrown out of college for not attending lectures
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to switch off/to turn off
don't forget to turn off the lights

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