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barriers to trade
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Something that makes trade between two countries more difficult or expensive for example tax on imports.
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An activity of trying to sell more and be more successful.
competitive advantage
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Is something that makes one particular country or economy more likely to succeed than others.
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Is the removal of controls and restrictions in a particular area of business or trade.
domestic market
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Is the market which exists within a particular country.
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An activity of selling products in an export market cheaper than in the home market or cheaper than they cost to make usually in order to increase market share.
economy of scale
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Saving money by producing goods in large quantities.
free trade
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Is a system which allows certain countries to buy and sell goods from each other without any financial restrictions such as taxes.
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The idea that government should does as little to the economy as possible and allow private businesses to develop without the state controlling or influencing them.
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Is the process of making laws less strict so that people or companies have more freedom.
market leader
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Is a company that sells more of a particular product or service than most of its competitors do.
market segment
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A group of consumers that share similar characteristics such as age income interests social class.
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A company that has branches or owns companies in many different countries.
rival or competitor
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A person business or organization you competing against in the same area for the same thing.
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Is money paid by a government or organization to make something cheaper to buy use or produce.

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