Moja lekcja

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She decorated the dessert with orange peel.
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He peeled the potatoes and cut them.
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obierać (ze skórki)
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Lernen beginnen
pod górę
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uciążliwy, żmudny, ciężki
call, phone call
Were there any calls for me?
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rozmowa telefoniczna
none of your business!
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nie twoja sprawa!
invasion of privacy
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naruszenie prywatności
try on something
Can I try this shirt on? She tried on the blue dress.
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przymierzyć coś
draw the line
Some people simply don't know where to draw the line.
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postawić "granicę"
brag about sth, boast with
He's always bragging about how much money he earns.
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chwalić się
by the way
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swoją drogą, przy okazji
been there, done that
An expression used to say that one has been in the situation or experienced that which another is talking about. It is usually a negative scenario that is being discussed.
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byłem zrobiłem
Tell me about it!
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I komu to mówisz?!, Mnie to mówisz?!
Crowd jeers at emotional and sensitive person after he gets shut down*
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Look Who's Talking
You're really bad at taking jokes.' 'Look who's talking...'
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I kto mówi

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