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Zawolasz dzieci?
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Will you get them?
Od podstawil mu noge
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He tripped him
Spuscmy z tonu/ wyluzujmy
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Let's take it down a notch
Chcialem ja ochrzanic przez ostatnie 6 tygodni.
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I've wanted to tell her off for the last six weeks.
Nie daj sie zwiezc czemus
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Don't be fooled by
Ty i twoja zona musicie byc podekscytowani
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You and your wife must be thrilled
Kazdy przymila sie Lily
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Everyone is fawning over Lily
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cream puff
wstydzcie sie
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shame on you
Dlaczego Ty zawsze wciskasz sie w ten sposob
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Why do you keep getting stuck like this
Jestem odrobine zaskoczona
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I am bound to be little surprised
To moja dzialka
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That's my thing
Jestem spoko/na czasie
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I'm hip
Rozwiaz to
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Deal with this
Musisz sie tego trzymac
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You have to follow through
Pasuje mi.
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I guess that works for me
mala awantura
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little blowup

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