noun clauses as objects (what how when where why)

 0    7 Datenblatt    katarzyna_jankowska
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Do you know what it involves?
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Do you know ........ it involves?
They explain how laughter cauld help you deal with a situation.
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They explain ........ lauhgter could help you deal with a situation.
I wonder when they're holding the workshop.
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I wonder ........ they're holding the workshop.
Does it say where we can get more information?
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Does it say ........ we can get more information?
We might need to explain why we want to attend.
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We might need to explain ........ we want to attend.
I think you'll be interested in what they have to say about happiness.
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I think you'll be interested in ........ they have to say about happiness.
I don't understand how/why laughter therapy works
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I don't understand ........ laughter therapy works.

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