passive voice, active voice

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jaki czas? You will be given a reading assignment in English.
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future passive
jaki czas? He will be given a ride to Scotland.
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future passive
jaki czas? She will be asked to stay late if she doesn't finish her work before 5:00.
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future passive
Zostaną obsłużeni przez tą kelnerke.
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They will be served by this waitress.
jaki czas? The pancake was thrown up in the air by the man.
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past passive.
Napisz w past passive. On dostał dużą miske ryżu.
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He was given a big bowl of rice.
napisz zdanie w dwóch formach-passive voice i active voice. Mężczyzna podrzucił naleśnika.
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Active Voice: The man threw the pancake up in the air. Passive Voice. The pancake was thrown up in the air by the man.
napisz "uczę angielskiego" w passive voice i active voice.
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passive voice -English is taught by me. active voice -I teach English.
6. His hair ______ _________ every four weeks.
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6. His hair is cut every four weeks. (cut)
7. My car ______ ____________ regularly by a mechanic. (check)
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7. My car is checked regularly by a mechanic. (check)
8. The students ________ ____________ English by their teacher. (teach)
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8. The students are taught English by their teacher. (teach)
9. The office _______ ____________ at night. (clean - negative)
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9. The office isn't cleaned at night. (clean - negative)
1. ________ you _____________ on Fridays? (pay)
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1. Are you paid on Fridays? (pay)
2. On what days ________ the store ____________? (close)
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2. On what days is the store closed? (close)
3. ________ the computer ___________ yet? (fix - negative)
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3. Isn't the computer fixed yet? (fix - negative)
4. _______ he ___________ a lot of responsibility in his job? (give)
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4. Is he given a lot of responsibility in his job? (give)

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