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zaprosić kogoś (do kina, restauracji) Lernen beginnen
You behave like a moron! Ask her out and then you will know if she likes you or not!
Lernen beginnen
They got caught quite easily as their runaway car broke down after few miles.
załamywać się, kończyć się niepowodzeniem Lernen beginnen
The discussion broke down because nobody wanted to accept any compromise.
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She cares for her younger sister.
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All the passengers should check in one hour before the departure.
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Can somebody check out who is at the door?
zdać pokój (w hotelu), wymeldować się Lernen beginnen
She checked out early in the morning and continued her journey.
Lernen beginnen
Clean up your room before you leave.
przejaśniać się (o pogodzie), przechodzić (o chorobie) Lernen beginnen
The weather's clearing up.
natknąć się (na coś/kogoś) Lernen beginnen
I came across this precious painting while I was tidying my basement.
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Don't wait for me, I don't know when I'll be coming back.
Lernen beginnen
You can always depend on me. The tram is late again! You really can't depend on public transport.
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Our decision depends on the results of the test.
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I'm afraid she'll have to do without my help.
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Please fill in the application form.
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The room was filled up with people.
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Did you find out how much he had paid?
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Lernen beginnen
Can I borrow this book? You'll get it back next week.
Lernen beginnen
How did all of you manage to get into such a small car? The doors were closed and I couldn't get in.
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To get to the museum you have to get off at fifth stop. What time do you usually get off work?
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The bus was full so we couldn't get on.
Lernen beginnen
I got out of the car and went home.
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wychodzić, spotykać się z ludźmi Lernen beginnen
Mark doesn't go out much.
dochodzić do siebie, pogodzić się z czymś Lernen beginnen
It took him over two years to get over his wife's death.
znaleźć rozwiązanie problemu Lernen beginnen
There were many technical problems but they got over it.
Lernen beginnen
I tried to contact her but I couldn't get through.
Lernen beginnen
Let's get together and talk about it.
Lernen beginnen
Mike always gets up at 7 o'clock.
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Please give me back my CDs.
Lernen beginnen
I gave up smoking two months ago.
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Lernen beginnen
When are you going back to Madrit?
Lernen beginnen
Sorry for the interruption, please go on.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
The light went out as we sat for dinner.
towarzyszyć, dziać się jako skutek czegoś Lernen beginnen
Riots usually go with unnecessary bloodshed.
Lernen beginnen
Don't behave like a child! Grow up!
Lernen beginnen
Hang on a second, I'll be right there.
iść/jechać w określonym kierunku, zmierzać do Lernen beginnen
The troops were heading for the capital city.
otrzymywać od kogoś wiadomość Lernen beginnen
I haven't heard from him for ages.
Lernen beginnen
Hold on a second, I'm almost ready.
Lernen beginnen
Hurry up! We have to be there at 5.
Lernen beginnen
We're going for a picnic tomorrow. Why don't you join in?
trzymać się z daleka od czegoś Lernen beginnen
Keep away from him or you'll get into trouble.
kontynuować, robić coś dalej, bez przerwy Lernen beginnen
Why you always keep on asking me about Mark? I don't want to talk about him!
Lernen beginnen
Do you know of any Italian restaurants in Paris?
Lernen beginnen
What are you laughing at?
Lernen beginnen
Prepare the list carefully, I don't want anyone to be left out.
Lernen beginnen
You let me down again, I can't trust you any more.
zalogować się, włączyć do sieci Lernen beginnen
I can't log in, I forgot the password.
wylogować się, wyłączyć się z sieci Lernen beginnen
Please log out and turn the computer off.
Lernen beginnen
We need to find someone to look after the kids when we're out tomorrow evening.
Lernen beginnen
Look around and check if you find something interesting for you.
Lernen beginnen
cieszyć sie na coś, bardzo czekać na Lernen beginnen
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Could someone look up this word in a dictionary?
Lernen beginnen
I always make up before I leave house.
Lernen beginnen
I didn't like this flat when I moved in but now I think it's quite cosy.
Lernen beginnen
We have to move out till the end of the month.
Lernen beginnen
Sue picked up the phone and dialled her boyfriend's number.
odkładać, przełożyć na inny termin Lernen beginnen
Can you put off the meeting? I need to talk to you.
Lernen beginnen
It's quite cold so you'd better put on your coat.
Lernen beginnen
Ring me up in the evening.
Lernen beginnen
Run away or they'll beat you up.
Lernen beginnen
We've run out of the paper for printing. Time's running out, we've got only 2 minutes left. I ran out of butter in the morning so I had to go shopping.
wyruszyć, rozpocząć podróż Lernen beginnen
We set off early in the morning.
Lernen beginnen
You're driving too fast, please slow down.
Lernen beginnen
Switch on the TV, there's weather forecast in few minutes.
Lernen beginnen
Switch off the radio before you leave.
Lernen beginnen
Mary took away a knife from her child.
Lernen beginnen
Adam took his new trousers back as he discovered a flaw on them.
Lernen beginnen
When I was young I loved watching planes take off.
Lernen beginnen
He was so tired that he didin't even take his clothes off.
Lernen beginnen
Sue's taken up basketball recently.
Lernen beginnen
When will you finally throw away this old coat?
Lernen beginnen
Try on the red blouse, I think it suits better.
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After two days we had no money and had to turn back.
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Turn off the radio please, I'd like to read.
Lernen beginnen
Turn on the TV, the game starts in few minutes.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Watch out! You are not allowed to walk here without proper equipment!
Lernen beginnen
Would you like to write down my address?
Lernen beginnen
Jacky was named after her grandmother.
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Please note down the following emergency numbers.
Lernen beginnen
She was brought up to respect other people.
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They had a hard time in their relationship but now everything seems to have calmed down.
Lernen beginnen
You can always count on Jim in situation like this.
Lernen beginnen
Your essay is too long - cross some sentences out.
Lernen beginnen
We have decided on holiday in Spain.
podrzucić kogoś gdzieś po drodze Lernen beginnen
I'm going to the city centre now, so if you want I can drop you off to the library.
Lernen beginnen
The horse started the race quite promising but then fell behind on the last bend. Tom has fallen behind in his English recently.
Lernen beginnen
His research focuses on developing new information technologies.
Lernen beginnen
Many people working in this factory were laid off without previous notice.
Lernen beginnen
I'm looking for a room to rent. Do you know of any in this area?
Lernen beginnen
They will have to be interrogated once again as their stories proved not to match up.
Lernen beginnen
He relies on her common sense in situations like this one.
Lernen beginnen
His negligence resulted in severe health problems.
Lernen beginnen
I want to save up for a new computer.
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I took to her the moment I saw her smile.
Lernen beginnen
The plane touched down safely and on time.
Lernen beginnen
He woke up too late and had to leave without breakfast.