Potoczny brytyjski (2011-09)

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Frage English Antworten English
to tighten the belt/to pull in one's belt
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to economize/cut spending when times are hard. This concerns nations' economies as well as individuals' personal finances
skin/voice like sandpaper
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a rasping, hoarse, scratchy voice
what's eating you?
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what's troubling/annoying you?
the world at large
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worldwide; to the general public
to have the run of the house
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to have permission to use every room in the house
hands off
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don't inferfere
a slap on the wrist
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a light, inadequate punishment
all the rage
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in vogue, sought-after, trendy
as slippery as an eel
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difficult to trap, corner or catch
to be in a pickle
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to be in a mess or chaotic disarray
to pepper someone with questions
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to ask someone a series of questions in rapid succession
to pass the buck
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o accuse someone else for one's own lack of success
one's Sunday best
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one's finest clothes
to be in stitches
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to laugh so much that one's sides ache
to be/walk on a knife-edge
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to be in the uneasy position of having to satisfy both individuals or groups in a conflict
to work on a shoe string
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to run a business with almost no capital
to pull the wool over someone's eyes
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to deceive, mislead, trick
left, right and centre
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all over (the place), everywhere
at the top of the tree
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at the peak of one's profession
a laughing-stock
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to be the object of derision and laughter
to rake in the money
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to make enormous profits, often very rapidly
a bullet train
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a high speed passenger train
to have a shot
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to attempt something and see how well one fairs
an accent you could cut with a knife
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a very strong accent, which is at once noticeable/recognizable
to have a memory like a sieve
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to have a very poor memory
to have a dirty tongue
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to swear, to use strong language, obscenities etc
like looking for a needle in a haystack
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to search for sth that is impossible to find
to get one's teeth into
Lernen beginnen
to focus all one's energy on sth, become completely absorbed in sth
to blow the cobwebs away
Lernen beginnen
to unburden the mind of outdated beliefs

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