praca 2

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Czy jestes zadowolona ze swojej pracy?
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Are you satisfied with your job?
Lubie moja prace.
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I enjoy my work.
Lubie prace z ludzmi
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I enjoy working with people.
Ta praca ma wiele zalet, ale ma tez pewne wady,
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This work has a lot of good sides, but it also has some drawbacks
Lubie miec wszystko pod kontrola
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I like to have everything under control
Jakie minusy ma twoja praca/
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What are the downsides of your job?
Nie zarabiam szczegolnie duzo
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I don't earn very much.
Zmniejszono pensje
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The salary has been cut.
Mam nienormowany czas pracy
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I have flexible working hours
Czy musisz pracowac na zmiany?
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Do you have to work shifts?
Ta praca wymaga duzo sily
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This job requires a lot of strength.
Nie chce wyjsc z wprawy.
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I don't want to get out of practice.
Wyszlam z wprawy
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I'm out of practice.
Czy masz duzo nadgodzin?
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Do you have a lot of overtime?
Kiedy zaczales pracowac w obecnym zawodzie?
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When did you start your present job?
Jak dlugo juz tutaj pracujesz? Od paru miesiecy.
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How long have you worked here? For a few months.
Sytuacja ekonomiczna w kraju jest zla.
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The country's economic situation is bad.
Wielu ludzi jest dzisiaj bezrobotnych
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A lot of people are unemployed nowadays.
Jak dlugo to juz trwa?
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How long has this lasted?
Wielu ludzi jest bezrobotnych od kilku lat
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Many people have been unemployed for several years
Jak wyglada twoja sytuacja?
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What does your situation look like?
Oni nie maja zadnych stalych dochodow
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They don't have a fixed income.
W gazetach jest zazwyczaj pelno ogloszen o miejscach pracy
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The newspapers are usually full of adverts.
Kazdy chcialby od razu znalezc prace
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Everyone would like to find a job straight away.
Czy warunki pracy sa dobre?
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Are the working conditions good?
Wielu ludzi narzeka na stres w pracy
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Many people complain about stress at work.
Nie jest tak trudno jak sie poczatkowo wydawalo.
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It is not as hard as it first seemed.
Koncze za minute. Zaraz koncze. Prawie skonczylam.
Lernen beginnen
I'll be ready in just a minute. I'm nearly ready. I'm nearly finished.

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